Chapter 2 bromie?

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Before I could make any effort to stop what was happening, something came down and hit the back of my head and clasped itself around my shoulders, and we slammed into the park concrete. I looked wide eyed as May's once teasing laughter was substituted for panic screams as she ran to me. 

"OH MY GOD CHLOE, ARE YOU OKAY?" May ran to me and checked me for injuries. The crowd closed in a little on us as she helped me back on to my feet. I swayed a little and looked around, dazed.

I fell back to the floor and scooted away though, when the once-was sculpture got up too and opened their wings, their back stood straight and tall as the remaining marble faded to match their olive skin. The more marble faded away, the more the sculpture could move, little by little.

We all looked, astounded at the sight in front of us. I slowly backed away, still holding onto the tip of May's fingers. The sculpture quickly turned to me with an outstretched hand. "Είσαι καλά?" "W-what?" I looked at them, dumbfounded. "μπορείτε να με καταλάβεις?" They asked, this time, their brows furrowed in frustration. I looked around at the crowd, trying to see if anybody understood.

Then, as if they had just realized the crowd was here, they took a step back and looked around frantically. Before I could react, they quickly soared into the air and away from the park. 

May got down to my eye level, "Yo, are you good? What the fuck was that?" I shook my head, looking down at the ground. Before I could respond, someone from the crowd yelled out, "It's obviously her soulmate!" The crowd cheered, but all I could do was look down at the ground in embarrassment. May helped me to my feet and as we walked back to my car, I sighed, deep in thought. 

Moments ago, we were sitting on a blanket not far from here shitting on people for believing a stupid rumor for a statue that was just put a while ago. I just became the living proof for this stupid rumor.


Stumbling through the door, May helped me sit on the couch. I sat there, staring at the floor trying to recollect my thoughts. May opened the front door back up and I quickly turned to her, "Where are you going?" I asked, getting up. "I gotta go back and get my car. I'll just Uber over there." She pointed outside, a foot out the door. "During these hours of the night? Just sleep over, you can get it tomorrow." I pulled her back to where all the rooms were. "Are you sure? I don't even have cloth-" "You can borrow some of mine and we can go shopping tomorrow." She turned around and shrugged her shoulders, letting me lead her to my bedroom. 

While she went to dig through my closet, I went to reheat some pizza I left in the oven. From the shower, she called, "Do you not have any shampoo?" I rolled my eyes and dug through the hall closet to find her some shampoo.

After her shower, May put my clothes on and locked herself in the guest room. I stayed awake to do some extra work for next Monday. My vacation was over by then and I hadn't started on the things I planned to do. I took a quick break, stretching my arms over my head and letting them fall back on the desk. Looking out the glass doors that lead to the balcony, I got up from my chair and strided towards them. I swung them open and felt the fresh night air hit my face. 

As the night went on, I started thinking about the sculpture. What was that? How did it come to life like that? That really wasn't scientifically possible. Was it living under that plaster this whole time? Is it even from this time period? The questions swirled in my head, knowing they'd go unanswered, unless I spoke to the sculpture myself.

Speaking of, something dropped in front of me on the banister. It spread it's wings out, as it stood up in front of me. I fell to the floor in surprise as I backed away. "H-hi there." I sheepishly waved, cowering under the shadow it made under the moonlight. 

They realized what their presence was doing and their features softened, looking down at me. The sculpture got off the banister and crouched down, putting his hand out for me.

Deja vu?

I took it and hauled myself up. "Wh-why are you-" "ποιος είσαι?" It asked me, it's eyes narrowing. I blinked a couple of times. "What? I still don't understand you." I shrugged slightly and it looked down in thought for a moment before looking back up at me.

Before I could react, they suddenly grabbed my face and kissed me. It wasn't deep and they pulled away pretty quickly. I stood there, stunned. They licked their lips, making me go red in the face.

I dropped to my knees and huddled on the floor. The sculpture was once again in thought, then said, "Can you understand me now?" Oblivious to how red in the face I was, they got down on their knees to see my face. "Sorry, after all those years I spent in Greece, I forgot that not all humans speak the same language." It chuckled, then got back up. "Alright, now, who are you?" I froze, then slowly peered up at them.

"Who am I? Shouldn't I know who you are first? You just gave me a kiss without consent!" I jabbed a finger at them, and they laughed at me.

"Oh! Haha! That's how I learn other languages!" They laughed hysterically, falling to the floor. I rolled my eyes, and kicked them over. "Oof-!" "Alright that's enough, who are YOU?" I crossed my arms. They kept chuckling as they got up. "Well, I've acquired the name Telesphorus. I come from far away, if you couldn't tell, being a wingless creature like you." It motioned to my lack of wings unlike theirs,  giant and towering behind them.

Their laughter quickly dissipated again, and they asked, "So, who are you?" I can't believe I have to actually think about this question. I stumbled over my words, "My- my name is Chloe." I waited for them to respond. Telesphorus thought for a moment then said, "How can a human have been my soulmate, from galaxies away." They stroked their chin and I took it as an opportunity to slowly back away into the glass door.

Before I could leave, Telesphorus grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. "WHAT THE FUCK!" We suddenly heard a yell from behind the glass doors. It was May.

My heart stopped as May wrenched open the doors. "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!"


yes i am very bad at writing i apologize. I will do better in next chapter when brain bigger.

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