Meet the team!

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These are all the avatars of the new cast of "If I was in my online best friend is my enemy irl" I hope you enjoy and to the people featured in this let me know what you think of your avatars!

1. Chip (Em)

-honestly the worst fighter of the group

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-honestly the worst fighter of the group

-but her charisma is very good. It's easy for her to convince strangers to help out or give her what the group needs

-like Flora, she is a healer when in a fight

2. Zodiac (Alistar)

-He is the first person on Chip's friends list because they were the first person to not consider Chip a useless weakling and helped her find Lux who gave her the game

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-He is the first person on Chip's friends list because they were the first person to not consider Chip a useless weakling and helped her find Lux who gave her the game

-Zodiac is a powerful mage who gains his power by starlight, the stars of his costume are made of star shards that give him a small boost in the day

-However he's not that bad with hand to hand combat, all around he's pretty notorious for his early reputation of being in short a terrifying avatar

3. Quill (Heather)

-Easily one of the best mages in the game (zodiac could rival her, they've got a little bit of mentor/student going on)

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-Easily one of the best mages in the game (zodiac could rival her, they've got a little bit of mentor/student going on)

-She doesn't like to talk about herself very much but as she comes to trust the group she reveals her less than ideal home life and with the help of the group gets the help she needs

-Honestly the game is her safe haven and her refuge; the one place she feels she can be herself, so she's on it the most out of everyone

4. Morby (Mallory)

-The backstory behind the avatar was"Morby seems to be linked with death

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-The backstory behind the avatar was
"Morby seems to be linked with death. Aren't bats a symbol of death?"
So here they are. Mallory specializes in death, and is known in the game as the harbinger of death, although those are mostly rumors (no they have not slaughtered entire villages).

-Unfortunately they get misgendered a lot especially with younger players (and even some of the older ones), the rest of the group is quick to correct the other party. And any crude or inappropriate responses tend to result in death.

-To put it simply Morby is a top notch assassin who does their job best when the target has no chance to struggle.

5. Lux (Ten)

-The one who got Chip the game, an incredibly good swordsman

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-The one who got Chip the game, an incredibly good swordsman. He's just not the best at talking (that's what chip is for XD). Anyways he's got your back.

-He's usually on when Chip is on, since the two know each other irl they have a very synced way of getting things done.

-Don't get me wrong he gets along with the others just fine. But he and Chip are partners in crime.

6. Flora (Dana)

-The healer of the group

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-The healer of the group. Chip helps her out but we all know Flora is the healer. She's also more than willing to listen to troubles outside of the game.

-But she doesn't talk about her home life too often. She just says that she's more comfortable in the game than she is in real life.

-However she is particularly insistent on correct gender pronouns.


Who do you look forward to meeting?

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