Tw- mention of suicide, also talking about selling hearts so-
My brother got me and my other brother into D&D our last day in Colorado.
My ten year old cousin, my youngest brother, and myself were the adventurers, the brother who roped us into it was the DM.
Cousin- half orc )Jaws
Brother- dwarf )Midget
Me- elf )Vestele(Also for part two):
Female cousin- human )Leeanna
Uncle- Dragonborn )HoganAlright part one
We have the dragon of icespire peak pack and we started a lil campaign that won't get finished but anyways.
So first things first, Jaws, Midget, and Vestele (a fighter, paladin, and bard respectively) arrived in the town one after another which caused the villagers great fear. No regrets loved it.
Anyways we encountered a group of orcs and rn the only spell Vestele knows and uses is called spell song- she can use it to manipulate or attempt to manipulate a target.
It works, the orcs left and gave Vestele a giant bone axe which she gave to jaws.
After that quest Vestele got a cloak that billows on command and can change fashion (she merged the two different cloaks into one) so ya know fair trade.
I think at this point I ended up getting a shotgun for Vestele Bc I kept saying shotgun instead of crossbow so ya know
We made it work. It's powered by matches and magic.
Okay so really messed up stuff, uh Vestele apparently has a very dark mind.
THE SECOND TIME we meet a band of orcs, i used spellsong thinking they'd leave.
No. They didn't.
They killed themselves.
Don't try that at all.
It wasn't even something I'd even thought of her doing.
She did it again to two ghouls.
Y I K E S.
Part two?
Basically my uncle and my female cousin joined and my uncle caused lots of chaos by trying to kill midget constantly.
I really like dnd
And the characters I have?
Vestele, a tired bard who's the mom of the group (elf)
Elva, a rouge who sells the hearts of monsters she faces (and she will fight you for the heart) (half elf)
Orivine, a monk who's angry but will throw hands at those who hurt her friends (tiefling)
And good old Pyro.
Pyro, a wizard who's also kind of a pyromaniac and likes burning things. Preferably buildings. (Air genasi)
I've only Roleplayed as Vestele and Elva but I can't wait to use the other characters
Particularly Pyro he's great

I'm not explaining the chaos in here
RandomThis is a random collection of thoughts I have. Baby Yoda picture is not mine. *NOTE: This is completed and will not be updated. Thanks for the chaotic ride!*