Chapter 1

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Soulmates are not real. There are over 7 billion people on this earth in MY lifetime, all going through their own lifetimes and im expected to believe that someone out there was made just for me? Hell nah. That doesnt make sense. Its preached to us to love ourselves, to care for ourselves, and then when we finally learn to love us for us, then maybe..just maybe our person will come along. And then what? Im expected to love that person? To use that love that i fought so hard to find for myself and pour it into someone else? Maybe im being cynical or maybe its just because Carter has left me on read for over 12 hours now. 12 whole hours. He's probably pouring his love into some other girl right now. Typical man.
The blank screen hurts my eyes the longer i looked at it but i have no words to type. The paper is due in an hour and i still have nothing typed. Its like my brain can't function properly knowing that this boy is not talking to me. If i text I'll come off clingy or desperate or like some girl that doesnt know her boundaries. Of course i am all three but he doesn't need to know that. Okay. I need to focus. Focus.
The alarm on my phone came at the perfect moment, i pressed send on the assignment and shut the laptop. The groan that escaped my body sounded ungodly. Like its been trying to escape for hours, which is understandable. Ive been trying to finish this homework assignment for hours. Every time i tell myself i will no longer wait til the last minute to do assignments and everytime i continue to wait until the last moment to finish them.
A soft knock on my door brought me back down to earth, i turned the chair just in time to see Kate peak her head in. "Everything alright in here?" She asked, her eyes darting around my room. I gave her a tired smile and nodded. "Never better. Just finished some homework, im pretty tired so i think im gonna go to bed."
She nodded, her kind blue eyes slightly narrowed. I know its her job to be concerned about me but like I've reminded her several times, i wont last long here either. She's just another foster home in a long line of many. She'll get sick of me and then make some excuse and ill be on to the next. That's why i hold her at a distance. I like her. Just cant't get attached.
"Are you mentally tired, or physically? Because i can i call in sick tomorrow, and i can call you in too and we can have a little self care day. Just you and i." She suggested. I wish i could allow myself to say yes. "It's okay, i have some stuff i need to get done tomorrow. I'll keep that in mind for next time though." I responded, trying to not sound like an ass. "If you're sure?" Kate asked. I nodded and that was the end of the conversation. She will break my heart one day. Just like all the others. Before i shut my eyes for sleep, i checked my phone. Still no text from Carter. Ugh.
"Willow, i'd like to have a word with you after class." Mr. Smith announced as we began packing up our backpacks after the bell. Fuck. I paused before quickly nodding to acknowledge that i heard him. "I'll see you at lunch." Maya whispered, squeezing my arm for comfort as she walked past.
"I know you're new here. This is only your first month and i understand that it can be overwhelming. I have high expectations for my students and you are not meeting them right now. We expect our students to excel at this school. Turning in your homework assignments at 11:59 pm each time isnt exceling." He began. I did my best to hold back the eye roll. I literally have an A in this mans class. "I need more from you willow. You have so much potential if you would just put effort into yourself. Being a foster kid isnt going to be a good excuse for the rest of your life." I stared at him, waiting to see if he was understanding what he was saying to me. An abrupt knock on his door drew both of our attention from this horrifying conversation. My eyes met a pair of brown eyes that were so mesmerizing it felt like i was looking into the universe. I cleared my throat and looked out the window before he could see how red my face was.
"Haden. How may i help you?" Mr.Smith asked, clearly annoyed. Haden. Thats a beautiful name. Fitting for the beautiful man leaning against the door. His black hoodie just a bit too baggy, matching with his baggy black sweatpants. His brown wavy hair looks like he hasnt brushed it this morning. I tried to make eye contact again but had to look away once more.
"I couldn't help but overhear...while i was standing here eavesdropping on purpose. Look Mr. Smith you were doing real good until you brought up her home life. If i could just give one piece of advice. Nobody is gonna want to excel in your class if you bash them for shit they dont have control over." There was silence as Mr.Smiths face slowly became redder and redder and Haden's smile became bigger and bigger. "And yes i'll take my detention slip now." He added. Mr.Smith cleared his throat as he took out a piece of pink paper and began writing.
"You should give me one too. I agree with everything Haden just said" i basically whispered. Haden laughed as he grabbed the piece of paper out of Mr.Smiths hand. "I guess i'll see you in detention sunshine." He was gone just like that, leaving me with the angry teacher and a pink slip that i clutched with both hands. What did i just get myself into?
Author note:
Hey yall, this is something im writing to get through a pretty rough part of my life right now. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as i am relearning to enjoy writing it <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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