Part 3

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Ez and Angel watched as Harley spun around the room dancing an ill timed waltz alone and spilling her drink. She stumbled in her drunken state and looked like she was going to fall when she caught herself on the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe beside the front door. She pulled her jacket off and hung it over the statues hand before leaning on her shoulder and conversing with it.

"Anyone with a god complex is going to be an asshole sweetie." She said before drinking from her glass full of whiskey. "That's why he left after knocking you up."

The room fell silent and Harley nodded along at whatever she was hearing before bursting into laughter.

"Ha! Immaculate!" She looked at the brothers sitting at the bar. "Did you hear that? Immaculate conception. Oh boy, let's add compulsive liar to your personality profile Mary, if that's even your real name."

"Can you remember if we were dropped on our heads as kids?" Angel asked Ez who shook his head. "It's the only way I can explain what I am seeing."

"No but I'm starting to think you might be right." Ez replied drinking his own beer. "At least she's behaving well enough...for her. What's that sound?"

A scratching wood began to get louder and tables began to move, knocked away as the hyena ran across the bar room. A ginger cat shot out from under the tables a moment before the beast got traction and shot after it. The wild animal was snapping its teeth, salivating as it chased the small cat around the room.

"Oh shit!" Angel shouted as he climbed on the bar top and out of the way of the hunt.

Ez joined him and the stood up hoping they didn't get knocked into as the animal single handedly destroyed the furniture. Chairs splintered and table legs were snapped until with a final hiss from the cat Brucey caught it.

"Drop him right now Bruce!" Harley ordered but the hyena ignored her. "You know you can't digest cat hair."

Angel looked like he was going to be sick as the crunching of the cats bones sounded from the animal and he covered his mouth and turned around. Ez however watched with just mild disgust and that was only because he had petted and fed the cat when it came to his trailer every now and again.

Harley walked over to her baby and grabbed the cats tail that was hanging from Bruce's mouth. She tugged at the appendage that was caught between the hyenas canine teeth until it came free and she fell on her ass laughing as she waved it around.

"Jesus fucking Christ. What the fuck happened here!" Bishop yelled as he stepped inside at dawn. "You were meant to fucking babysit her!"

"Don't look at me peaches." Harley said waving her hands before realising she was still holding the cats tail and hid it behind her back. "It wasn't me. Ask Mary, she's a shifty bitch."

"Mary?" Bishop asked as he brushed his beard in frustration.

At the same time both Angel and Ez had put their hands up to stop him from asking and shouted. "Don't ask about it."

"That lying whore behind you. First she sleeps with an asshole, then she ropes another man in to raising the kid AND she has the audacity to tell everyone she's a virgin. Nah-uh, I call bullshit." Harley said back to waving the tail around as she got more animated with every word.

"Is that my fucking cat?" Bishop suddenly shouted as he realised what was hanging in her hand.

"No?" Harley said as she shrugged. "We were playing pin the tail on the angel?"

She skipped over to the bar top the men wear still standing on and shoved the bloody end of the tail into Angel's ass making him jump and almost fall off the bar.

"See, I win!" She said tossing the tail to Ez. "Your turn."

"You see what I had to deal with!" Nestor stated as he pointed to the shit show, having just arrived with Marcus. "She's fucking insane."

"Insane in the membrane." She started to sing but the glare she received had her pretending to zip her lips shut as she crept back over to Bruce.

"Insane in the brain." She said out the corner of her mouth as she moved Bruce's lips.

"That is just a whole lot of pretty in a whole lotta crazy." Tranq whispered to Bishop as even more Mayans arrived ready for their big day.

"Harley." Bishop said sharply. "Are you up for this?"

"Well that depends." She said standing to attention. "Does somebody get to hurt real bad?"

"Someone is definitely getting hurt." He answered.

"What are we waiting for?"

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