Part 4

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The prospect was left behind to clean up the mess Bruce had made and was ordered to get a box for Buttercup, as everyone learnt was the cat's name. Bishop sniffed and wiped the back of his hand under his nose before clearing his throat and pulling a smoke pack out of his pocket. He turned away from the bloody mess of his pet and lit the cigarette.

"Aw peaches, this is a real man right here." Harley said throwing her arms around the presidents neck and looking over at Nestor. "This is a man that is not afraid to cry, you could learn something."

"What's she talking about?" Marcus asked Nestor and he shook his head angrily.

"She's talking shit." He grumbled. "Can we just go already?"

The group of men, Harley and Bruce padded their way outside and they got in the same vehicles as last night. Angel and Ez were the last to come out, waiting for the hyena to contained in Nestor's Escalade before they climbed down off the bar.

"Are we going to Disneyland?" Harley asked suddenly.

She had popped up in the middle of the front seats between Marcus and Nestor. Nestor moved closer to the window, away from Harley since she was so unpredictable whereas Marcus clutched his chest at the surprise before resting his arm along the console again.

"We've gone over this already." Nestor said sitting back up straight. "You are breaking into the DEA storage facility."

"Now that sounds fun!" She smirked leaning back before shooting in the gap again. "Why are we breaking in?"

Nestor mumbled incoherently to himself before looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"We are stealing back the 250 keys of H they confiscated." He said. "Got it?"

"Ohhhh." She said excitedly clapping. "I love drugs!"

"Really? Because it seems like you've been forgetting to take yours." Nestor mumbled.

"Now, now Nessy-bear that was a bit mean." She pouted. "But what can one expect from a narcissistic shit bag that has no friends."

"I have friends." He spat.

"Do you? I think you have colleagues." She said pressing her finger to her head thinking. "Or do you go out with them after work for a drink or bbq together on Monday's?"

"Why would you barbecue on a Monday?" Marcus asked.

"Duh, Sunday is divine and dash day." She said and saw their confused looks. "Wait, you've never played divine and dash? You've got to come with me sometime. What you do is you run inside a church, grab the free basket of money they just pass around and get the fuck out of there, then go to the next church."

"It's a mutilated version of dine and dash." Nestor said astounded.

"There are so many things wrong with that game." Marcus said shaking his head.

"What's the worst they can do? Forgive me?" She said laughing and turning around to lean on Bruce for support.

Now most people wouldn't dare break into a government storage facility, let alone do it in broad daylight. Harley was not most people.

"HEEEELLLPPP!" Harley ran around the corner towards the DEA storage facility.

The man at the front gate was immediately on alert as she ran full sprint towards him, terror written on her face. A few yards behind her came a bounding hyena that was salivating as it chased Harley.

"Let me in!" She screamed as the hyena caught up.

The man unlocked his booth and quickly slammed the door shut before Bruce could get in the small space as well.

"Thank you so much!" Harley said panting. "The guys really didn't think my plan would work."

"Wait? What?" He asked but Harley was already knocking the man unconscious.

She hit at all the buttons on the control panel until the security barriers opened and her employers drove a van into the facility. She grabbed the man's security tag and fob before running across the tarmac to the actual warehouses.

"Come on Brucey!" She called as her pet eyed up the security guard like his next meal.

With a last look and drool on the guard Bruce bounded after Harley who was once again yelling for help outside the warehouse door. The door flew opened and three guards ran out with their hands on their weapons.

"Oh praise jebus! He's gonna eat me!" She cried as Bruce bouldered towards them.

"Shoot it." One man said and Harley grabbed his wrist, twisting it until she held the gun in her hand.

Putting the weapon to the man's head she growled. "Nobody shoots my Brucey boy. Drop your guns or he gets a cathartic cartridge to the cerebrum."

"What?" Angel asked as the Mayans finally got out of the van and joined her standoff.

"A bullet to the brain. Do you not speak English." She asked shaking her head. "I'll show you."

In seconds she fired three shots killing the security guards before tossing the gun haphazardly over to Angel. The men all jumped away, afraid of another bullet discharging but when it landed at Angel's feet the magazine was missing. Harley cackled loudly before tossing the magazine over to the stunned man.

"My heart cannot take much more of her help Bish." Angel complained clutching his chest.

"I hear you." Bishop agreed before muttering. "Let's get this over with people. I have Buttercup to go bury."

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