You really wanna know?

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I don't care if you guys don't like this. I though it was time for the deep stuff. I thought we could be emotional and this poem always captures my heart. Hope you enjoy~~~let me no what you guys want to happen.
Will do the jealousy bit for one of my amazing readers next xxx

(General POV)
The group have been on holiday for around 4 or 5 days and now it's New Year's Eve. They have had the most amazing time going to the beach, having dinners at posh restaurants, partying at clubs and just hanging out together by the pool or in front of a movie.

But now is the time that Steve has been waiting for. We all know that this is where they first realised they couldn't loose each other again and this time he's going to make sure she knows that.
(Steve POV)

'Hey Nat'

'Hey Steve. What's up you look nervous'

'I was ummm... Just errrr... Wondering if you wanted to come on a sort of date with me later'

'Of course I would babe. Why are you acting so nervous?'

'I was just. Eugh. I don't even know. I just thought you would be embarrassed with everyone knowing. In fact just ignore me. Meet me at the patio doors at 7:00'

'Steve I would never be embarrassed you have made me the happiest I have ever been. 7 o clock sharp Rogers'

I honestly thought she was going to turn me down. I really must make her happy. Well I guess nows my chance.
Time lapse

I'm standing by the patio doors waiting for Nat but of course I'm 5 minutes early 'JARVIS make sure sam remembers to have the picnic set up for half seven please' 'of course captain. I won't let him forget'

'Thanks JARVIS. Oh and tell him that strawberries and champagne are the key' 'will do sir'

I stand there and try to calm myself down. I can literally hear my heart beating out of my chest. Why am I so nervous.

That's when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see Nat standing there. 'Wow you look absolutely stunning Nat. I'm so lucky'

She is standing in a knee length blue and white acid wash sun dress and white sandals. Oh and her hair is in natural waves down one shoulder and she had no make up on.

'Thank you. I though I would make a special effort for a special person' and her cheeks blush red 'you look cute when you blush. God your so beautiful'

'Okay okay can we stop before I turn into a tomato'

'Ladies first' and I slide the patio door open.

We step onto the beach and I lace my fingers into hers and begin walking towards the waves. When we make it to the shore we walk along the edge of the water letting the waves lap over our feet.

The sun starts to set and I stop. I drop Natasha's hand and turn her to face the ocean. Then I stand behind her and snake my arms around her waist 'I love you Natalia Romanova more than life itself'

She twist her top half slightly and her green emeralds meet my ocean blue orbs 'I love you too my super soldier. And I'm so glad I fell for you'

She pulls my in for a quick kiss and turns back to the sunset 'I always thought you said love is for children'

'It is but that's why we will be young forever'

'Forever and always'



'Stay with me'


The sun finally starts to hide behind the oceans waves and we begin walking back towards the house.

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