Chapter 2: Bargaining Introductions

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After the fights ended and the exciting night came to a close, you wormed your way through the rows of people lining up to claim their bets that they had placed at the beginning of the night. You were at least smart enough not to get sucked into all that.

A cage match had too many variables. The odds could change in a split second, no matter how good or bad the fighter was. And since there were no rules, anybody could win.

You found the boxer in the designated fighters' alcove security had put there especially for them to wind down. Here, they would be hidden away from the crowd and only the fighters knew about this spot aside from those that protected it.

"You're good."

Bakugou snorted, not looking up at the sound of your voice as he continued to unwrap the tape from his hands. "Of course I am, dumbass."

You cocked an eyebrow at his arrogant attitude but after a fight like that, you guessed the pride was well deserved. After all, the guy he went up against was undefeated. No one had beat him and after Shindou earned his reputation of tearing the limbs off of the fighters he faced, no one wanted to step into the ring with him after that.

But Bakugou didn't back away, even going so far as to taunt this guy, boldly proclaiming that he'd beat him.

Normally, you would brush off those guys as no good but he made good on what he said he would do, so you were at least a little bit curious.

A little.

You still didn't like his attitude though.

Tossing the bloodied wraps in his bag, he ignored you as you just stood there like a lost puppy. People like you didn't belong in the underground.


Bakugou scowled and huffed scornfully, throwing his bandages down with a little more force than necessary.

Patching up wasn't too bad this time around. He was lucky the round ended when it did though, that fucking extra had too much boisterous energy and willpower that had carried him this far. Still, it was better than fighting bare-knuckled.

There was a time when wraps or gloves weren't allowed. People liked the blood and violence, and craved someone to come out victorious by taking the other's life.

Fucking sickos if anyone asked him.

Bakugou slung his gym bag over his shoulder and shouldered his way past you since you had yet to say a word after that initial, begrudging praise. He couldn't care less if you hung around but he wasn't going to stick around for the damn media to catch whiff of this fight.

Once it was leaked that he had won, they would take a percentage of his cut and he would have to go without food for another week just to pay rent on that shitty place he stayed at.

It wasn't much but it was better than the streets.

"Wait." You called out, inwardly chastising yourself for being so pathetic.

You weren't star-struck or nothing, so why were you feeling so tongue-tied?

Taking a deep breath when he snapped his head around to glare at you in annoyance for stopping him, you rolled your eyes when he tapped his foot impatiently.

"You gonna take all fucking night, extra?" Bakugou barked at you, clearly not playing around.

Your eyes widened as the metal plates on his left arm clinked together as he raised up his fist threateningly.

"I've got places to go and shit to do." He grumbled. "So if you're just going to stand there like a fucking—"

"Do you want to be a part of Aizawa's gym?" You blurted out before he could get too carried away on his rant.

Wherever You Go, I Will Follow (Boxer! Metal Arm! Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now