Chapter 4: Rough Past

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Thanks to the heavy pollution, the stars could no longer be seen with the naked eye so this was the closest thing you could get to those twinkling lights raised high in the sky.

"It's funny."

You tilted your head towards him as he spoke and was a bit surprised to find him looking directly back at you with an expression you couldn't quite decipher.

His eyes were a little dazed, probably from the alcohol, but he looked a little more grounded than he did a minute ago.

Bakugou chuckled but it was short and grated against your ears for a second.

It was mocking.

He tipped his head back, downing the rest of his drink before harshly wiping his mouth with the back of his hand while he crushed the bottle in his metal fist.

Leaning over, he let go and let the shiny crystals plummet to the ground below.

You smiled faintly, watching how they sparkled. It looked so pretty.

Sitting back down, Bakugou mimicked your posture and huffed out a dry laugh. "Out of all the shitty extras in the world, you would be the only one to fucking get through to me."

Your puzzlement must've shown through his alcohol-induced haze because the next thing you knew was that he teetered to the side as he lost control of his equilibrium and careened into you.

Out of reflex, you caught him and gasped at the temperature difference as his cold metal arm pressed against you. You could feel it through the thin fabric of your dress and latched onto it when he moved to pull away.

"Sorry." Bakugou slurred curtly as he gathered his bearings and tried to detangle you from him.

But his coordination wasn't the best and he was growing more and more frustrated when you wouldn't let go.

He snarled. "Let go."

You shook your head firmly. "You could fall."

Oh yeah. You two were on the roof.

This was a bad idea.

He didn't know how he ended up here with you but he needed to leave. Immediately.

Bakugou stumbled to his feet, somehow managing to lose his way halfway to the door and face-planted in something that smelled faintly of lavender. Snuggling into the soft thing that was rubbing against his face, his brow furrowed in annoyance as you giggled at him.

"You have to take me out on a date first if you want that." You teased lightly and he immediately sat up as he realized he had crashed in your bed.

He scrambled upright, nearly falling over again in his haste. "Fuck, I'm—"

"It's alright, Katsuki." You reassured nonchalantly, coming down to sit beside him, but not close enough where your legs were touching.

Bakugou's mouth twitched at the sound of his first name but his eyes softened the barest bit and he didn't fight against it.

Before he met you, he hated his name. It was a reminder that the place he came from was from a lab, cooked up like some sort of sick science experiment to fulfill a role in society that was chosen by some prick who had money.

It was a reminder that he wasn't real. That he was expendable to all those bastards that ran the world.

But when you used it, when you spoke it with such tentative curiosity and genuine concern, he didn't feel so unimportant anymore.

"Fuck." Bakugou breathed as you leaned closer to examine his face.

Your forehead creased in worry and you raised a hand to his head to check his temperature to make sure he wasn't running a fever. "Are you feeling alright?"

Wherever You Go, I Will Follow (Boxer! Metal Arm! Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now