Chapter 3: Surprise Celebration for the Birthday Boy

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Exactly one year later, you were weaving in between the clustered bodies in the dingy underground bar you were at to make your way to the obnoxious and rowdy group in the back, all while balancing a tray of beers in one hand.

They had just arrived a few minutes ago, eagerly chatting with your dad, who was their trainer, even though he looked like he'd rather be anywhere else but here.

Your skirt flared around your ankles as you sashayed through the crowd dancing on the dancefloor, a couple strands of hair sticking to your forehead from the exertion of how many tables you waited on already.

"First round's here!!" You announced, beaming brightly at the packed group of 15.

Shoji, Mineta, and a few others couldn't make it due to conflicting schedules. But it was alright, they would come again another time. Besides, you were quite sure that a special someone couldn't care less if they made it or not for this particular day.

"YES!!" Kaminari shouted escatically, throwing his hands up in the air.

A chorus of "thank you's" came from the girls as Ashido eagerly reached for her first drink of the night, downing half the bottle in one go. You predicted she was going to be out like a light within the hour if she kept that pace up.

"Don't get shitfaced, Kaminari." Jirou twirled a strand of her dark hair cockily as she teasingly held the last one out of arm's reach. "Lightweight."

"Jirou!!" Kaminari protested while the table burst into laughter.

The edgy fighter eventually gave into him, shaking her head in disapproval when he proceeded to chug all of it straight like it was some kind of shot. A knowing smirk appeared on her face when he choked.

"Told you so." She rubbed in his face as Asui leaned into her side.

"Shut up!!" Kaminari shouted between violent bouts of coughing. It only got worse when Ashido slapped his back, already drunk.

But the slight pink dusted across his cheeks clued you in on what he was really doing.

You shook your head. If he was any more dense, you would've smacked him upside the head. Maybe then he would've come to his senses and that he didn't need to do all these things to impress her.

Jirou never hated anything more than someone who felt fake to her.

As you distributed the rest of the drinks to a clueless Todoroki, a way too eager Midoriya, and handed water to Koda, who thanked you shyly with a small nod.

You smiled at him, then left to the bar that your uncle was managing to get the order for the next table while Iida shouted for everyone to make sure they drank responsibly so that they didn't cause any problems for you.

But it was largely ignored in favor of raising their beers in a toast for the birthday boy.

Bakugou scowled in the corner that he was shoved into, wondering why he of all people had to be dragged to this shitty celebration for a birthday he couldn't care less about. It was too loud here and it was making his head hurt. The only consolation he got was that you were a rare sight, wearing a dress that he had bought for you a week ago.

The seamstress who had made it for him specifically had charged him an incredible amount of money for it, since fabric of any kind that wasn't made from recycled garbage liners was nearly impossible to come by.

But being a part of the ring of fighters that made up Aizawa's Warriors gave him credibility and enabled him to make even more money than he did before, so it wasn't a problem.

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