Boys Can't Be Sexually Assaulted Apparently

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Sigh. Why can't Wattpad promote normal books?

So, if you pay any attention to your feed, you've probably seen this book plastered at the top:

If you're wondering why my Wattpad UI is black, yes, I got Wattpad premium since it was on a 99 cents for three months free or whatever deal and I wanted to see if it was as worthless as I thought, and yes, it is as worthless as I thought

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If you're wondering why my Wattpad UI is black, yes, I got Wattpad premium since it was on a 99 cents for three months free or whatever deal and I wanted to see if it was as worthless as I thought, and yes, it is as worthless as I thought. Worse purchase I've ever made next to 11 year old me buying google play cards at Walmart so I could buy Blood On The Dance Floor albums on Play Music without my parents knowing... ah the days of being emo/scene.


Yes, the description says she kisses her friend in the dark

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Yes, the description says she kisses her friend in the dark... without his consent let alone knowledge of who was kissing him. I saw this and thought maybe the description was being clickbaity or off but, no, it really is that.

I'm not going to even talk about how the writing is flat, everything is told, and it the pace is faster than the speed of light

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I'm not going to even talk about how the writing is flat, everything is told, and it the pace is faster than the speed of light. But this is from the prologue, this is why people think prologues suck, cause people don't know how to properly write them.

I skimmed over chapter one because I wanted to read Connor's (the dude's) pov because I already knew exactly what the author was going to do and my prediction was correct.

I skimmed over chapter one because I wanted to read Connor's (the dude's) pov because I already knew exactly what the author was going to do and my prediction was correct

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She somehow spits her gum into his mouth during it and he treasures it like it's a gold nugget

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She somehow spits her gum into his mouth during it and he treasures it like it's a gold nugget. Why? Not even a Florida crackhead would do that.

I knew this bitch was going to make the boy like it because ooooh oh my god!!!! A girl!!! Kissed!! Him!!!! A GIRL KISSED HIM, A BOY!!!!!!!!

I thought maybe the author did this and would address it's fucked and turn it into a situation of the MC actually being a shit person but she doesn't, she uses it as a gateway to kick off the plot of Connor wanting to find out who kissed him and learning it was Sadie because using sexual assault as a gateway into your poorly written rom-com is fine and dandy and totally unique!!

Edit: apparently this author wrote the book 7 years ago and said she edited it (can't tell where honestly because her writing still sucks ass and she's a grown-ass adult) because it's 2021 now. If it's 2021 now maybe get the fuck with it and realize undermining sexual assault against men isn't a plot device? Just a suggestion.

(Also can I note, does wattpad ever promote stories that aren't some type of teen fic rom-com or romance in general? Every one of their big books is a romance, they NEVER do books with different topics or darker things. I suppose to keep up their image but how many fucking humor/romance books can you shove in our faces?). 

Here's a fun activity, reverse the gender and tell me how people would react to this, a man kissing a random girl at a party without her consent when the power goes out so she won't see who he is? AND spitting his nasty chewed gum in her mouth? People would be fucking livid, this author would be canceled and called out for supporting rape. If you can reverse the gender on something and then it triggers a reaction, it's wrong to do period no matter what. I don't care what you say, if you believe in true equality hold women to the same standard as men when it comes to this shit.

All this does is invalidate every male who's ever been assaulted by a female and it reinforces the saying that boys can't be raped because they're boys, they'll just like the fact a girl is giving them attention! I'm actually pissed off, can you tell? This kind of stuff gets under my skin because I hear stupid takes on men all day long :")

Fun fact: when women are raped, a lot of them get aroused and have orgasms, does that mean a girl likes the homeless man forcing himself on her in an alley at 10 PM while she was out walking? No. Arousal is the body's natural response to sexual sensation and it's not controllable like you'd think, so the argument that if a guy is hard while being raped means that he enjoyed it is pretty ignorant. Its like saying because a dog started humping your leg means it wants to have sex with you and is consenting to you raping it. 

Anyhoo, Wattpad is plastering a story about blatant sexual assault everywhere and the author is being praised by people who see nothing wrong with it. Shocking? No. Wattpad acts like this woke "womxn" empowering platform, they've never acknowledged their male userbase like they do their female one, a lot of their event things are specially catered to women, they didn't even include "everyone" in BHM, just black girls and "womxn" cause black men don't matter I guess. Probably another reason why their male user numbers are so low, everything in our faces is about girls and "womxn" and shitty romance books in girls' POVs.

That's all I have, just wanted to quickly talk about how gross this is.

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