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Here goes story number two! 


I sat on the little balcony that came with my apartment and watched the smoggy LA sunset. I vaguely thought about how it would probably make for a good shot but sunset pictures were so cliche. I wasn't about to waste film on something as little as this. 

I felt lost. 

Maybe I should waste film on the silly sunset? I was lacking all motivation at the moment, and by moment I meant days. I thought about calling Greg but I knew he was working. He had just landed a job with Rolling Stones magazine and was doing photos for them so he was off to some concert tonight. I could have tagged along but I wasn't ready for the booming sounds of music. 

I wasn't much in the mood for anything right now. Maybe I'm depressed. They did warn me about depression. I didn't think I was depressed, just lacking something. I just needed a lighter to relight my flames. 

My phone ringing on the little table next to me broke me from my thoughts. I looked down to see Greg calling me, no doubt to ask me to come with him. 

"I'm not coming to whatever show." I answered and he started laughing. 

"No, change of plans. Some guy backed out last second and now I'm stuck doing a makeshift photo shoot for the fucking cover, Zoey. THE COVER." He screamed into the phone and I had to hold the phone away from my ear for a moment. 

"Wow, Greg. That's awesome. Who's the musical act?" I questioned. 

"Skrillex. I don't know shit about EDM but I know this dude's big. The cover, Zoey. The cover." He kept saying and I giggled. 

"I'm happy for you!" I smiled. He deserved it. 

"It's at some park area by this warehouse. It's pretty close to you. Come with. I'll pick you up. I'm like, two minutes away." He said and I felt my smile turn into a frown. 

"I don't think so. I'm not having a good night." I told him honestly. 

"All the more reason to come. You need to snap yourself out of these funks." He said and I frowned looking at the now almost set sun. 

"I don't know..." 

"I'm stopping by your house and if you make me late for my first cover shot..." He threatened and I rolled my eyes. The sad part was he was actually serious. 

"Whatever. I'll meet you downstairs." I hung up and stood up. "Bye cliche sunset." I muttered before turning to go inside to small apartment. I grabbed my purse and made sure I had everything. I wasn't about to bring my camera since this was Greg's big day. I double checked myself in the mirror. I pushed my blonde hair out of my face. It wasn't even blonde, it was so light that is was practically white. I made the mental note about how I needed a haircut. 

I glanced down at my outfit. Black leggings and maroon v-neck. I slipped on some socks and threw my black worn out boots on. Eh, good enough. I headed downstairs to wait for Greg after locking up. He was pulling up to the curb just as I was locking up. I jumped in his car and smiled at him. 

"How excited are you?" I asked him. 

"Fucking pumped! They called me about it this morning and then I got to read over the article about him so I had an idea about his personality. The dude is super eccentric and shit." He tapped the steering wheel before driving off. We made it to the little warehouse place and he parked and pulled his camera bag out. 

"Why are you having a bad day?" He asked suddenly and I frowned. 

"Why bring this up now?" I asked. 

Caught In A Moment (Skrillex)Where stories live. Discover now