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I ended up skipping Sunday and got to sleep in which was incredibly refreshing. I spent half the day lounging around and the other half sitting in front of my computer uploading photos. I organized them on my computer as I went along. None of them really interested me enough to print them. The one's of the DJ's production were all very similar in my mind and pretty boring. The lights made it look kind of cool but not enough for me to look at it for more than thirty seconds. 

I scrolled through and hit one I got of Sonny up in his spaceship thing. It looked like he was kind of laughing while his hair was absolutely everywhere. There were green and red lights flashing making the photo look like it was glowing. I decided to print it and put it in the photo album I had under the coffee table of photos I was proud of. I watched as it slowly printed out of my printer and I carefully pulled it out and set it to the side of my desk to let it dry a little. 

I pulled up my website just to keep up with everything and make sure everything was good. I needed to add some new photos soon but I hadn't captured anything I was proud enough to put up. I thought about the photo of the DJ put I quickly cast that idea away because it had nothing to do with anything else on the site. Plus I'd probably get busted with some copyright crap.

My phone buzzed with a text making me jump a little. It was from Susan telling me she was going to her office studio building to print some orders. I text her back a thumbs up emoji and she started typing instantly. 

"Shouldn't you be at Coachella??" She asked and I frowned a little.

"Was too tired to go today." I sent back. 

"Swing by the studio tonight! Let's get take out and wine or something." She sent back and I thought about it. 

"Yeah, let me know when you land and get settled and then I'll meet you there." I put my phone down and continued to scroll through my site, making mental notes of things I potentially wanted to change. My phone buzzed again and I picked it up and unlocked it without even looking. Susan was a chatterbox so it wasn't all that surprising that she would keep texting despite the conversation being dead. I went to my homepage of my site before looking down at my phone. 

It sent me to a new conversation with Sonny's name sitting at the top. "Hey, I'm in between flights and wanted to talk to you about that LA shot. Can you hit me up if you aren't busy? If not, it's cool." It read. I blinked and re-read it. I didn't want to leave him hanging, especially if he only had a little amount of time, but this just seemed very weird to me. 

Oh well. Situations like this were like band aids...You just had to rip them off quickly. 

I hit the call button and held the phone up to my ear. It rang a few times before it clicked and a somewhat familiar voice answered. 

"Hey, you called!" He sounded surprised. 

"Hey. Well you texted..." Why am I so awkward? "So what's up? With your order I mean." It should be illegal to be this awkward. This is what Susan was for. She was a pro at taking calls like this. She talked to the people and I did everything else. Well not really, but in my head that's what I liked to think.

"Well I told you I liked that picture of downtown LA and I had someone measure out where I want it and I was wondering if we could go a few inches bigger each way." He explained. I pulled my phone away and put it on speaker so I could click through my website to find the shot he was talking about. 

"Just a few inches?" I clarified. I need him to throw some numbers my way so I could text Susan and figure it out. 

"Yeah, I mean I don't know numbers off the top of my head but obviously whatever is going to keep it in proportion. I feel like you'd know more than me about what to do." Who calls to ask about something like this without having numbers ready? I was a little  annoyed but I told myself it wasn't that big of a deal. Besides, if he didn't have any exact numbers that gave me more room to play with it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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