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Sonny's POV:

"I'm really not trying to start an argument here. I'm just asking that you give me like twenty minutes, just us, to sit and talk. You're completely ignoring how I'm feeling here." She said and I felt like this conversation was just going in circles without anything actually being accomplished. 

"Char, can we not do this in some random ass parking lot?" I sighed and tried not to think of Tim and Hog who were sitting in the car behind me probably watching everything through tinted windows. At least Nicole who sat in the car behind Charmaine was on her phone the whole time. "Why don't you come over tomorrow and we'll talk." I told her but I could see that wasn't good enough by the look on her face. 

"Why not now?" She asked and I sighed again. 

"Wes is coming over and we're going to start working on our project together." I told her and her eyes narrowed for a second. 

"So you'd rather do that than work this out." She said and I instantly got mad. Was she really going to make me choose? I tried to contain my anger and turned to glare at a park tree for a second before turning back to her. "Just...I'll text you when I wake up tomorrow and we'll meet up." I said before turning to get into the car. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said and climbed up into the backseat. 

"Whatever, Sonny." I heard her mutter before she turned and got into Nicole's car. I slammed the car door shut and let out a groan. 

"Sounds like it went well." Tim commented sarcastically and Hog chuckled and backed the car out. I was torn between wanting to explode and vent about everything and wanting to be alone with my computer and a pair of headphones. 

"I just listened to her say the same thing over and over again." I finally blurted and it made me feel better. "Whatever. I'm going to call Wes." I told them and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I hit the home button and there was a text from Jake. 

"Need DD tonight. Imma call you later?" Was the text and I was so confused. Jake who? I unlocked it and it took me to the text conversation. I skimmed through the conversation and then it hit me. 

This wasn't my phone. 

"Oh fuck!" I sat up and Tim looked back at me from the passenger seat. 

"What?" Hog finally asked. 

"This isn't my phone." I said and I hit the home button again. The icons were everywhere mine weren't and the background was of a bunch of people I didn't recognize. 

"Well who's phone is it?" Hog asked. "Where's yours?"

"I have no fucking idea." I replied and tried not to panick at my phone being with some stranger. I felt bad for going through it but I needed to figure out who's phone this was. I opened twitter since that was the easiest app for me to figure this out. I clicked on the "Me" tab and it brought me to the person's twitter. 

"Zoey Robinson" I said outloud and clicked on the little profile picture to blow it up. Instantly I recognized it as the photographers one friend with the really really bright green eyes. "It's the photographers friend. That chick." I said and I tried to think of how our phones got mixed up. I looked down to see the latest tweet from her read: "Someday I'll own a taco truck of my own and it'll be great" which I couldn't help but smirk at. It was so random. 

"So she's got your phone?" Hog asked and I shrugged even though he couldn't see me. 

"I hope so." I muttered because I'd rather she have it and we just a mix up than it being lost for anyone to find. 

"You should call your phone." Tim said. 

"But then she'll have your number." Hog replied. He had a point but worst came to worst, I could always block her number. Suddenly the phone started ringing in my hand. I looked down hoping that she had the same idea but it popped up as 'Jake' with a picture of two guys who looked identical. 

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