Chapter 5

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I sit for a second, trying to catch my breath, when I realize no one was watching Loki. I wince as I stand up, limping towards Loki's cell. I saw fight break out in front of me. I pepper sprayed a man who tried shooting at me.

God I love that pepper spray.

I noticed Thor running towards Loki's cell with me. He breaks the door open and we find someone letting Loki out.

Thor runs at him but Loki pushes him into the cell, trapping Thor in.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?"

The guard that helped Loki out of his cell points his gun at me.

He clicks off the safety, ready to shoot me when Loki yells at him, "No. You are not to hurt her."

He looks at me for a moment, nearing me, causing panic to spread through me, "You're coming with me, Guinevere."

I pepper spray his face, "My goddamn name is Genevieve, asshole!"

I run to let Thor out of the cell but the guard grabs me, pinning me to the ground.

"Dammit Guinevere!" Loki yells.

Suddenly, I feel the guard holding me go limp.

"Move away please," Coulson speaks to Loki. He was holding a very, very large gun, "You like this? We started working on the prototype before you sent the Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you want to find out?"

Suddenly, I hear a horrible squelching noise.

I turn to see a duplicate of Loki stabbing Coulson in the back.

"No!" Thor and I scream in unison. Coulson falls to the ground and I run to him, placing pressure on the wound.

Loki walks over to the control panel, ready to let his brother fall.

"Don't!" I yell, "He's your brother."

I limp over to him. His eyes were still red from my pepper spray, "If you let him live, I'll go with you."

Loki looks at me for a moment. He nears me slightly, his breath on my face, "You'll go with me anyway."

With that, he pushes the button, dropping the cell, who-knows-how-many-thousand-feet.

"No!" I try to run towards the large hole, trying to see where he lands, but Loki grabs my hand, "Let me go!"

He wraps his arms around me, "No! Not again."

"You psycho!" I do the only logical thing to do.

I bite his arm.

"Ow!" he only makes his grip on me tighter, "I'm the psycho? You just bit me!"

I wiggle in his grasp, trying to get out but it was of no use.

"Let's go," he practically drags me out of the helicarrier and onto one of the jets.

"Let me go you fucking dickwad!"

"I'm so offended," he sarcastically drawls.

I stop fighting, knowing it wad of no use, "What do you want from me?"

He looks me in the eye, "I want you to remember."

"Remember what?" I chuckle humorlessly, "Everyone's telling me I'm this Guinevere person when I'm not! I don't even know who she is!"

Loki sighs, "Centuries ago. You were my mother's personal advisor -."

"Guinevere was her personal advisor," I correct him.

"Fine. She was my mother's personal advisor, and the sweetest soul I've ever met. This was before I tried ruling the world, by the way."

I roll my eyes, "Hard to believe there was a time you weren't a deranged psychopath."

He chuckles, "I fell in love with her. But unfortunately, she wasn't royalty. Mother didn't care, but Odin did. One day, something happened to her."

"What happened?" I ask. What? I was genuinely interested.

Loki looks me in the eyes, "She died."


"That's for you to remember, Guinev-Genevieve."

"Great," I make my tone flat, "Now that you shared your sob story can you let me go now? And maybe stop trying to kill everyone?"

He just chuckles, "Try to remember."


The jet lands in the STARK tower. Loki grabs my wrist and drags me into one of the offices, locking me in, "Stay here. I have a world to take over."

This dumbass clearly didn't know about JARVIS.

As soon as he leaves, I run to the computer, overriding the lock, "JARVIS? You there?"

"Hello, Miss Schotts."

I grin, "Okay. Open the doors for me, will ya?"

"Of course Ms Schotts. And would you like me to connect your earpiece to Mr Stark's suit?"

"Yes JARVIS. Thank you."

The doors open and I hear static crackle in the earpiece, "Tony?"

"G? Glad he didn't kill you."

I chuckle at that, "Me too. Look, I'm fine. Just stop him. Where are you right now?"

"I'm actually talking to your buddy right now," Tony says.

He addresses Loki, "Hey I'm talking to your girlfriend right now."

He then addresses me, "His eyes are super red. Did you pepper spray him?"

I giggle slightly, "Yes. That I did."

He chuckles, "Nice."

"Look Tony. I gotta go. I'm gonna try to shut down the Tesseract. Stop Loki and don't die. Got it?"

"Yes boss," he jokes.

I throw the earpiece out and run upstairs, hell bent on stopping whatever was going on.

There was already a man at the portal, Dr Selvig.

"Shut it down, Selvig!" I walk towards him.

"No can do. It's already started!" he yells.

Out of patience, I punch him in the face, knocking him out. I run to the portal, but there was no way to close it.

I saw fight break out under me as the Chitauri and the Avengers battled.

I hear a growl behind me to find one of the Chitauri soldier pointing a spear at me. I raise my hands and back up slightly. I feel my foot hit the edge of the tower roof. I look back to see myself no ground left, only cars down below.

I look back at the Chitauri soldier, who had turned his spear and pushed me off the roof with the butt of it, sending me freefalling thousands of feet off the tower.

Another Life - Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now