Line Without A Hook (Part Two)

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Based Of The Song Line Without A Hook ^^^

Description: Now that everyone knows your's and Luke's feelings towards each other, it's obvious Luke is having some doubts about himself, and his crush, but a friendly push goes a long way. Alive!Luke x Reader.

Warnings: Mild swearings, a smidge of suggestive dialogue, but mostly fluff.

Warnings: Mild swearings, a smidge of suggestive dialogue, but mostly fluff

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=Line Without a Hook Part Two=

"Soooo...?" Julie sits down next to Y/N on the couch.

"Soooo...?" Y/N mimics her, furrowing her eyebrows. "What's up?" she asks.

Julie whacks Y/N in the arm. "Are you serious?!" Y/N nods slowly. "Luke? You?" She intertwines her fingers. "Together?"

Y/N laughs loudly. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"What?!" Julie's voice squeaks. "So, you're telling me you two aren't dating?"

"No! Why would you think Luke and I are together? He doesn't even like me like that. What's with you and Alex and Reggie lately?"

"I'll be right back." Julie walks out of her house, stomping over to the studio. "You didn't tell her?!" She tries slamming the door, but with her strength, and the size of the door it didn't give any extra effect.

Luke looks at her confused. "What?" he laughs.

"You didn't tell Y/N you like her?"

His smile drops. "Oh." He looks down at his guitar, continuing to tune it. "About that... I sorta--chickened out."

Everyone gasps. "But, you never back out of things," Reggie claims.

"Are you saying you don't actually like her? Because if you don't I'm going to be furious." Alex stands up, joining Julie.

"No! No, I like her, but I'm just a little scared."

"Why?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, we all know she likes you too, and you like her, so what's holding you back?" Julie crosses her arms.

"M-Maybe Alex was right the other day about me being whatever he said. Like I-I don't know what I'm doing, I've never been in a real relationship before," Luke murmurs, like it's some big secret.

"She hasn't either, so you guys can learn together."

"But, that's the point, what if we grow tired of each other?" Luke worries.

"You're overthinking it," Julie eases.

"Yeah, and you're just freaking me out!" Alex cries out. "Where's Reggie?" Alex asks, going back to normal.

They all look around before piecing it together. "Y/N!"

They run back into the house to see Reggie and Y/N drawing together. "Look at my cat," Reggie brags, showing Y/N.

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