
7.6K 132 15

21 weeks pregnant

Harry is still asleep next to me. His arms are draped protectively around my belly, pulling me closer to him. I've been awake for twenty minutes, I don't want to move for fear of waking him up. I've been watching him since then. Even if he's sleeping on his tummy, his face is turned to face me. For the first time, I notice how long his lashes are. His lips are pink and thin, they make a small and adorable pout when he's sleeping. His cheeks are chubby against the pillow. His jaw is so sharp that it could cut wood with it. He's an angel. How did I get so lucky? Suddenly as I was tracing his jaw with my finger, he opens his eyes and spots me.

"Were you watching me sleep?" his voice is so huskily in the morning, which I love. He closed his eyes again, moving a little to avoid the ray of sunshine through the curtains.

I nod. He puts his head on my chest and I start playing with his tangled curls. His hand traces a round shape on my belly. Harry starts humming a song, his eyes still closed. One of the babies kicks right where his hand is.

"Well look who recognized their dad's voice."

He laughs and continues to sing, this time actual lyrics.

"Sweet creature
Had another talk about where it's going wrong
But we're still young
We don't know where we're going
But we know where we belong"

His voice is raspy yet so angelic. I love it. Harry gets up from the bed at the end of the song, seeing that the babies haven't kicked anymore and hearing his stomach growl in hunger. I get up too and decide to go have to breakfast. We both sit in the kitchen and have some fruits. Harry drinks his black coffee as I start making a smoothie. I don't understand how he drinks this. I've tried it and honestly, it's disgusting.

"So what are you doing today?" He asks me.

"Shopping with Millie. And you?"

"I think I'm going to go see my mum today. I didn't spend much time with her since the beginning of the tour and I barely talked with her at the baby shower."

"Tell her I said hi! Oh, shoot it's already this time? Millie is picking me up at 10 I better go get ready." I get up from my chair with my smoothie in my hands and kiss Harry on the head before I go to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and put on a robe. Then I do my makeup which only consists of putting on mascara. Yeah well, I'm a lazy pregnant woman so bear with me. I take a long skirt with flowers and a white tank top. I try to put my Air Force 1 but I can't lean forward. I shake my head.

"Babe?" I scream so that he can hear me downstairs. I hear his steps on the stairs. He comes into the room with a smirk on his lips.

"What?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

"You called me babe. It's the first time you do it. Finally got me a little pet name." He giggles and kneels to the floor to help me tie my shoelaces. I give him a small slap on the head and get up.

"What was that for ?" He frowns and rubs his head where I hit him. I laugh and roll my eyes.

I hear the door opening and heels clicking on the floor. Already? Well, time does fly.

"Violet? I'm here!" Millie screams so that I can hear her.

I go down the stairs and hug her. " Hey! I'm ready to go."

Harry comes down the stairs, his torso is bare, and he's only wearing sweatpants. He looks like he was ready to go shower. "Have a great day Love." He kisses me and says hello to Millie before returning to the bathroom.

We've been shopping for two hours now and it's time for a little break. We sit at a cafe and order a drink. A lemonade for me and a mojito for Millie. Lucky her.

"Your Instagram account blew up! Violet, you're at 200k followers! "

"Really? That much? Wow."

Since Kendall posted pictures of the baby shower without mentioning or showing Harry but mentioning me, my account has so many followers. She posted a cute picture of the two of us too. Harry and I decided that it would be better if he didn't follow me on Instagram because too many people would discover the secret. Also with the boys and three supermodels following me my name has come to the ears of many people. No one knows who I am but they're trying to find how I know all of these famous people. Some are connecting the dots.

"So what are your plans for this summer? It's July 5th already and you not gone yet ?" She takes a bite of the bread that's on our table.

"I feel like I'm a little too pregnant to travel don't you think ?"

"No, I've read online that you can travel until you're eight months! "

"Oh, I didn't know. Well, I guess I'll see with Harry if he's busy or if he wants to come with me."

I put my shopping bags on the floor and go straight to the couch. I love shopping days but when you're pregnant it's ten times harder. My feet hurt and my legs feel like jelly. I don't think Harry is home yet so I put on Grease and grab my nail polish. I'm going to do a multicolored french manicure on my hands. I just hope I won't put nail polish on the couch because I bet that it was extremely expensive and I don't want to ruin it.

30 minutes into the movie, I hear the door open. Whoever opened the door isn't saying anything which kinda creeps me out. What if it's a psychopath who's here to kill me? I need to stop watching horror movies.

"Hello?" I hide my body under the covers and put my head under a pillow. If it's a psychopath, he definitely won't think I am a strong woman willing to fight. I sound weak.

"It's me." I sigh in relief hearing that voice.

He comes into the room with a pout on his lips.

"What's wrong?"

"I wanted to surprise you, but you ruined it."

"You scared me! Why would you surprise me in the first place?" I pause the movie. I wouldn't want to miss the scene of Hopelessly Devoted to You.

"Take it." He gives me an envelope. I raise my eyes brows at him but he instructs me with a look to open it. These can't be ...

"You did not?" I jump off the couch and stand up my head between my hands. I look at the envelope again.

"Oh yes, I did!" He says excitedly.

"We're going to Disneyland Paris for real?"

"Yes, we are!" He opens his arms for me as I close my arms around his torso. I kiss him a few times and hug him tightly.

"Thank you thank you thank you! Did you know I've always wanted to go there? This is such a dream come true."

"You mentioned it once. I remembered, and go be honest I've always wanted to go too." He looks so genuinely happy right now. Although I don't remember telling him I don't care because this is Disneyland Paris baby!

He sits on the couch next to me and takes a look at my nail polish bottles. "So you were painting your nails watching Grease?"

"Yes, I was. Please tell me you've watched it before. It's a classic!"

He scoffs. "Did you think that I wouldn't have watched it? I love this movie. Can we just agree that the actors who are supposed to play teenagers look 30? "

I nod and wiggle my fingers in front of his eyes.
"So, what do you think about my nails?"

He takes my hand in his and observes it. "Wow, it's pretty!"

"Do you want me to paint yours?" I smile, he seems to admire it and I want to do someone else's nails. If I can get good enough maybe I could be a nail artist? No I mean I still want to be a designer, I'm good at designing clothes.

"Yeah sure." He gives me his hand. I pat my lap and he puts his hand flat on it.

"Which color?" I let him examine all of the little bottles in front of him. He takes one in his hand.

"The purple one please." He gives me an angel smile.

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