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Harry's POV

'Walk in your rainbow paradise
Strawberry lipstick state of mind
I get so lost inside your eyes
Would you believe it?
You don't have to say you love me
You don't have to say nothing
You don't have to say you're mine'

I look at my open book in front of me, at those lyrics I wrote on it after Violet left. I feel very inspired when she's around me but I don't really know how she'd feel if she knew I was writing about her. I think having songs written about you is a huge compliment but everyone doesn't think that way. I grab my guitar and play, humming the lyrics. I add some instructions for the music on the book and write a little more.

I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you'

I'm interrupted by my phone ringing. I pick it up, "Hey mate!" I hear a familiar irish accent say to me.

"Hello Niall! How are you?" I put my guitar back in its case.

"I'm great and you? I heard you were on tour now."

"I am! Only one week to go and I go back to London. I'm in Seattle right now. "

"Maybe we could try to see each other with the lads when you come home? I feel like it's been ages since we last hung out." Niall says.

"Sure! A lot have changed for me in the past five months." If only he knew. I haven't told any of my friends about Violet. Only my close family knows about her. I should tell my friends soon because one way or another, they will find out.

"Oh oh. Is that media related?" I can hear the worry in his voice. He knows how the media portrayed me in the past, and now he is still looking out for me. That's what we do, because we have a bond stronger that makes our relationship more than friendship. We've been through so much together that we're family, brothers.

"No, not really it's just that i'm seeing someone right now and she doesn't really want the media to know about her and... something."

Niall doesn't question the last part of my answer. "I'm happy for you mate. Who is she?" He asks.

"Her name is Violet and she's amazing." I smile, thinking about her.

"Then I hope I'll get to meet your special lady soon. You deserve to be happy Harry."

I smile at his comment. Special lady. Damn right she is a special lady. I see Jeff walking inside the room, heading to talk to me. "Thank you Niall, I need to go but I'll text you and the boys to find a date where we can hang out."

"Sure, take care." Niall hangs up before I get to say goodbye. I take my pen back in my hands and go back to writing my new song.

"Are you writing a new song?" Jeff grabs a chair and sits next to me.

"Yeah, wanna hear it?"

He nods. I start playing a melody on my guitar.

'Oh, honey
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do'

When I sing the lyrics, all I can think about is Violet. I see her when I close my eyes. I wish she were here, I didn't think I could miss her that much. I stop halfway and take my book to narrow down more lyrics.

"That sounds great Harry, I think you should talk about it to Mitch, see if he can help you for the song. Also, how did you come up with those lyrics? They seem pretty personal to me..." Jeff says, getting up.

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