My Abusive Brother - 2

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I woke up hours later on my bed feeling even more dizzy than last time. When i remembered what happened last night, or a few hours ago, my eyes snapped out of it's daze as they widened in fear. Was he going to do it again? Am i safe here with him? As i was thinking, Seiko walked in with a grin playing on his face. "How are you feeling?" He asked me. I looked up at him Immediately as i shook in fear. "O-Onii-...." i wasn't even sure if i could call him that anymore, he wasn't my brother, he was some... Monster. "Seiko... Please, Don't do this..." I said barely above a whisper. Seiko tilted his head playing dumb with me. "Hm... what're you talking about... my beloved sister?" He asked walking towards me. "N-No! Leave Me Alone!" I said scooting away from him. He pinned me down with one hand getting Ready to slap me with the other but then stopped. "Hm, School is starting up again tomorrow... We wouldn't want you going to school with 'New' Bruises, now would we?" He asked me. I started crying silently closing my eyes as i shook my head. He unhanded me smiling. "Good! Get some rest now. " He then walked out, my eyes following his movements carefully. I wanted my mom... but he killed our Parents Years ago...

~ Flashback ~

March 1, 2010 6:30 PM

The Memory is blurry, But i can remember some of it. Seiko was 13 and i was 10, Everything was going fine. I was coloring in a book that had fairies in it when i looked up at my parents who were sitting down in their regular chairs reading their books. "Mama... Papa... Where's Onii-chan?" i asked them. They looked at each other and sighed lightly looking at me. "Look Memuku, Sweetie..." My mother started. "Your big brother... is somewhere where he can't hurt anyone... we think he's better off there.." She said. she didn't want to tell me that they sent him to a mental hospital for five years. I looked up at my father tilting my head in concern. "Is this true, papa?" i asked him. My father looked at me worriedly nodding. "It's true, Sweetheart." He said, which broke my heart at that time. I stood up looking at both of them, they could tell that i was angry. "I want Onii-chan!" i said. Even though i knew it was hopeless, i continued to say it. "I want Onii-chan! Bring him back.!" As i said that, i ran upstairs slamming my door behind myself. Seconds later, i heard a loud 'BANG!' not just one, but two. i opened my room door slowly looking downstairs. I almost screamed to the top of my lungs but i stopped myself. I saw.. my now dead parents laying on the floor in pools of their own blood that was surrounding them. I looked to the right to see my 13 year old big brother with blood splattered on his face. He was holding a gun. That's how i knew he killed them..

~ End of Flashback ~

That memory haunts me, It lets me know and realize who i grew up with. A killer, an abuser, My brother .

My Abusive Brother (On Hold)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin