My Abusive Brother - 14

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Memuku's POV

It's been two hours already, It feels like it was only 30 minutes. It's just 32 minutes until lunch. But, do i want to go to lunch? I guess i have to go... Karu wants me to... Anything for a friend.. "Hey Memu-chan!" She said from behind me poking my sides. I then started giggling softly because of how ticklish i am. "Yess, yes karu?" I asked her giggling as i tried moving her hands away from my sides. "Hey, Memu-chan, you eating today, right?" She asked me. "U-Uhm, Y-Yeah, im eating lunch today... Karu." I told her. She removed her hands causing me to start panting when she stopped. "Heheh, gooood. ~" I chuckled a bit looking up at her. "Heh.. yeah, good." I said quietly. 30 minutes went by already so we were two minutes early.

Me and karu walked out of the door bumping into someone who was taller than the both of us. "S-Sumimasen." We both said, which meant 'Excuse me'  In Japanese. The person stopped walking causing us to stop also since we were behind them. They looked back at us grinning then looked me dead in the eyes, which made me gasp at the moment. It Was Seiko! "Well Hello There.... Little Sister.." He said. He's Lying. He's not my brother and im not his sister, It was all a lie, for all these years i've been living in a lie. But Karu couldn't know what was really going on between me and Seiko and about what happened to our par- My parents. "Little Sister?" Karu asked. She seemed so confused, i couldn't blame her, i was also confucked.

Seiko turned around looking down at her smiling. "That's right, she's my little sister." He told her. "But how, you guys don't even look alike..." She said as she looked at the both of us moving her head from me to Seiko over and over again. But she was right, we didn't look anything like each other, like complete strangers.. hopefully she didn't see that. I nervously laughed a bit. "Uhm... L-Let's not talk about that, we're going to be late for lunch." I said blushing slightly at how awkward i felt at the moment. Karu giggled a bit. "Okay, let's go then, shall we?" She said. We all nodded walking to the Cafeteria awkwardly then when we arrived, we went to the tables that had our classes sitting there. "Bye, Seiko." I said to him. He grabbed my wrist making me gasp quietly.


"I'm going to eat lunch with you guys."

He told us. I stared up at him slightly then looked down quickly. "F-Fine.." I muttered tugging on my wrist making him let go then took Karu's Wrist starting to walk with her to the lunch table. "Now tell me... Why i had to come to lunch again?" I said to Karu following her. "Because." Was all she said. I sighed a bit and nodded. "Because you said so, right?" I agreed. "Exxxactlyy." Karu said as she went to the table to get her favorite glazed chicken. As she did that, i went over to a lunch table and sat down taking out my phone. I don't really eat lunch at school anymore ever since that one incident at school in elementary school. I waited, and waited, until the both of them came back with their food. karu-chan had glazed chicken and Seiko had Sweet and sour chicken.

They Both looked at me blankly then sat down at each side of me making me feel caged in. Karu looked at me curiously tilting her head off to the side. "Why don't you eat?" She asked me. "Oh, no reason." I told her. She continued to look over at me then shrugged. "hm, okay." She said before she opened her bento that had glazed chicken, rice, duck sauce, and some vegetables. I looked over at Seiko and he was already done with his Sweet and Sour Chicken, he eat's fast!  "What?" He said simply. I looked back down at my phone shaking my head. "Nothing." I said quietly. He continued looking at me smirking slightly.

Seiko's POV   

I knew exactly why she didn't eat. I've been with her ever since we were both little, remember? Well, it was before and after i went to that mental hospital. She didn't eat because of the incident that happened back in elementary school.

~Flashback lel :P~

March 10, 2007

It was her Birthday, she was 7 and and i was 10 at the time. I was in 5th grade and she was in second. We were at lunch having pizza and her mom decided to bring cupcakes after lunch. "Onii-chan!" She called to me. She would always call me 'Onii-chan' Which meant Big Brother. "Mommy Brought cupcakes!" She told me getting a bit too excited. "I Know, I know, but, no sweets until we've finished our lunch." I told her. She looked up at me teary eyed as if she was about to cry then smiled a bit. "Heh-Heh, Just Kidding. ~" She told me starting to eat her pizza once again. She also continued to stare at the cupcakes as if they were going to grow legs and run away off back to the bakery. They were strawberry, both of our favorites. Looking at me with a stuffed mouth, she giggled a bit continuing to chew the pizza. "hehe... Onii-chan, I'm done. ~" She told me swallowing the pizza. "But... my tummy hurts, Onii-chan..." She told me. She held her stomach with her right hand and her left hand on her mouth. "Yuki, are you okay?" I asked walking over to her putting a hand on her back. She shook her head looking up at me then bent down throwing up everything that she had eaten. She threw up on her brand new Pink and White Flower dress that her mom had bought for her the night before. When we arrived at the hospital, It turned out that the pizza that she ate had food poisoning. "Food poisoning...?" She asked me. I nodded slowly looking up at her as she laid in the hospital bed that was in the room. "The pizza you ate had food poisoning which made you throw it up." She stared up at the ceiling silently. "Onii-chan... i'm telling you something... and it's my decision, which you can't change." She said looking over at me. "What is it?" I asked her. "I'm... Never eating lunch at school again." She told me simply.

~End of Flashback.~

And Since then she never ate at school again, She kept her word, never failed at keeping her promises.

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