My Abusive Brother - 6

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november 16, 2013 11:00 Am

It's been 2 hours since i came here. Everyone goes to lunch together. Preschool- College. The cafeteria must be big if everyone goes at the same time. I keep staring out of the door like something was going to jump into the classroom and grab me, but i couldn't help it. I Was Paranoid! the worst part about lunch is that, that's when my brother has free time to mess with me, i think i want to skip lunch, just to be safe. I was snapped out of my thoughts and back into reality by someone putting their hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong Memu-Chan? why do you keep looking at the door every 30 seconds?" They asked me. As i looked over my shoulder, i saw a girl, she looked happy. i think her name was... Karu...Moka? I turned around to face her slowly. "Um... nothing's the matter just... Hungry that's all..." I told her.

Karu, I'm just going to call her that in the meantime. She had long blonde hair that was in two ponytails and she had light green eyes. She looked more of a sister to Seiko than i am. It was now 11:32, 3 more minutes until lunch. I stood up and walked to the classroom door sliding it open. "I'm going to the bathroom" I told them. I walked out and looked both ways before taking the next 5 flights of stairs to the roof. I finally made it, i wasn't panting or anything because i was used to it. I Sat down next to the entrance pulling my legs up to my chest waiting to hear the bell that meant it was time to get back to class. I waited for hours and hours and eventually fell asleep next to the door. It sounded peaceful and quiet up here, i wanted to stay here forever.

Seiko's POV

It's ridiculous at how all grades go to lunch at the same time, the cafeteria must be huge! i hope they have sweet and sour chicken, that's my favorite. I love sweet things, and so does Memu-kun. Kun? KUN?! Wait, she's my sister.! Lunch would also mean i could have some 'Quality time' with Memu-chan. Quality, Indeed. When the teacher opened the door, i got up putting both my hands in my pockets as i walked out. I didn't really seem to care about the little kids, i just walked around them. The truth was, i did care about them, i love little kids! not meaning to sound like a Perv Pedo though, Just, i love little kids, their so adorable! i finally made it to the cafeteria and my eyes widdened a bit. i was right, this place WAS Huge! It was so huge that they had probably more than 30 long tables. I looked around looking for Memuku but i couldn't find her. " she hiding?" I said walking up to a 7Th grader who looked a lot like me surprisingly. "Hey, have you seen Memuku Lately?" I asked her. She was eating glazed chicken when she looked up at me. "She said she was going to the bathroom but never came back." She said, or i think she said that. Her mouth was stuffed with too much chicken that i could hardly understand her. I Smiled and bowed lightly. "Thank You for telling me, enjoy your lunch." I walked away and sat at the table that was in the corner far away from everyone, in the dark. You could call me a loner. After what felt like an hour, the bell finally rang causing me to get up and walk out of the cafeteria with the Preschoolers. i had to find her... and quick

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