Just how fast the night changes

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The story is based loosely around reality. I am sorry that it starts with a sad-ish chapter. It gets better I promise. Thanks for your interest. Also, this is my first written work, please excuse the grammatical errors. I do keep editing wherever I find any mistakes. The writing too gets progressively better in later chapters. AO3 has the edited work if you're interested in reading there; username: Larryheart2828. If you have any feedback w.r.t writing style or anything, please let me know. Would be glad to listen to you all. Enjoy!


Louis and Harry are part of the biggest boy band; One Direction. They have been staying together from two years. Out of all the band members, the two were closest to each other. But now, circumstances have drastically changed, so has their relationship. It started when fans started calling them Larry Stylinson. Initially, they were both thrilled and embraced it. They were even proud that their solid friendship had that impact on people. They were smug about it and wore matching outfits to let people make more stories. However, one night's incident changed everything for Louis.

Louis and Harry were getting ready to leave for an award ceremony. The band had to reach their stylist few hours before the ceremony, to get dressed. Louis Tomlinson was in his room grabbing his keys, wallet and other things. He was working in automatic mode until he came across a stuffed teddy bear. He froze in his place and kept staring at it. The bear held a heart in his hand which read 'Louis'. It was a present from his Hazza from a year back, when things were alright. When there was no pressure, when everyone was just....happy. What Louis would give to have that time and that innocence back. Everything was going well, Louis and Harry were so close, inseparable. They would make funny gestures during the concert. They were so comfortable in each other's presence, they would jokingly flirt with each other. That's how Harry had gotten this teddy bear to him as a present on valentine's and said 'A bear for my boo bear'. Louis felt guilty, he felt a strong sensation in his gut. It's funny how your emotions can start to physically hurt you. But Louis was helpless. He remembers that night clearly...the night when Modest called him in after their show. Louis brushed these thoughts off and covered the bear with a towel and shut his cupboard. He didn't want to look at it. He couldn't handle the stir it caused. He wasn't ready to face his demons, let alone fight them.

"Louis...you ready? I have been waiting from 10 minutes" .. called Harry from the living room. 

"Yeah sorry..couldn't find my wallet" Louis said while rushing out of his bedroom towards him. Still lost in his thoughts, he chose not to meet Harry's eyes. 

"You got the keys?" asked Harry while looking at him.. He noticed Louis kept staring at the floor

"Yeah..let's go" said Louis quickening his pace towards the main door.

"Are you alright?" asked Harry

"What?" Louis turned around briefly to look at Harry. He was surprised how easily Harry could discern his mood just by looking at him. Just from a shrug of shoulders, but he knew he had no answer.  "Yeah yeah..let's go" he said and hurried out. 

Harry followed but he knew Louis seemed off. He always did nowadays. Harry knew something was not right with him. it had been 6 months since he last saw old Louis who would jump around and was always cheeky. He had confronted Louis about his changed behavior. But Louis maintained that nothing happened, he said he is just "Growing up, and cannot keep acting like a kid anymore". It broke Harry's heart. He knew he was younger but now Louis made it a point to bring this fact up in all their confrontations. Time and again he kept saying "you wouldn't understand, you're too young". Harry didn't know what he can do to make Louis talk, make him 'share' again. He had written him cards, sent tweets, but Louis had stopped replying to him, especially publically. He was professional in their meetings and tours but ignored Harry completely. He would avoid Harry's gazes and comments. When they were alone back home, either Louis would step out to meet Eleanor; his girl friend or be in his room. On weekends too, he started going away saying that he is going to out with Eleanor. Harry couldn't help but feel jealous. He knew that friends act different once they start dating but he never thought his Lou would act like this. He associated Louis' behavioral change since Eleanor's entry in his life. But nothing seemed to add up. It all happened too fast. He thought about asking Louis what the deal with Eleanor's sudden importance in his life was, but he couldn't. Maybe it would be inappropriate. Best friends don't question each other about their diversion of attention to their girlfriends..do they?

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