Let me Fix You

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Louis reached Simon's office. Simon looked pissed, Louis didn't care today. He was ready even for a boxing match. He had called him in the middle of the night, knowing full well that he was supposed to be taking care of Harry. He couldn't help but start to see a pattern in this management's behavior. Every time they felt might be an important phase for Louis and Harry, they tried to pull all strings to keep them apart. He was not giving in this time. 

"Your erratic behavior is going to cost you son. You think, you can go all over pretending to.." started Simon.

"Cut the crap Simon. Where's the fan, I will apologize and leave, I have no time for this" said Louis without taking a seat. He was boiling. 

"Louis, you think you are all grown up? Have you forgotten the contract? May I remind you....." continued Simon.

"Where is the girl Simon?" yelled Louis. 

Simon just stared at Louis and then called in Helena to his room. She escorted Louis to an adjacent board room where a young girl sat sobbing. Louis walked up to her and she started bawling. She looked barely 15. 

"Hey, girl, I am sorry about my behavior from today. It was unacceptable, I understand..." started Louis. 

The girl immediately stood up and asked him to stop talking. "Louis, I am so sorry about my behavior. I am genuinely, extremely sorry, I just looked at Eleanor and lost it."

"Yeah, I know but..." tried Louis interrupting but she continued

"No no, seriously. We have seen and followed you boys from x-factor. And we really hoped you and Harry could be together. But I am happy if you're happy. But you just didn't look happy with her and your face lights up with Harry. But it's none of my place. I am really sorry. I really didn't ask for all this but my parents insisted, and then the company offered us to fly here and free accommodation and concert tickets if they kept quiet. But really Louis, I didn't ask for any of this, and Harry got into an accident today and it's all my fault" she said and broke down again and started to sob. 

Louis couldn't help but feel bad for her, she was just a kid. he walked up to her and gave her a hug. She cried even more. "It's alright" said Louis. 

"I am sorry Louis. Please take care of him and Eleanor. Please apologize to her" she said wiping her tears. 

"It's okay. I will tell you when I put a ring on it" said Louis and turned around to walk out of the room. 

"On....Eleanor?" asked the girl, looking confused. 

Louis turned around and said "No" while walking backwards and winked. And he left the room. He heard the girl screaming and jumping from inside the room. He smiled.

He was about to leave when Simon asked him to come in again. He checked the time, It was 5:15 AM. He really was in a rush, he didn't know how much time Simon was going to take.   


Harry woke up from his sleep. His head felt heavy. The day was a blur; so many things had happened in the last few hours. Louis getting violent on camera, their heated argument on the phone, the accident. Harry didn't know what had come over him when he was driving. That was really immature of him. The accident was really painful, and he had passed out. He remembered waking up at the hospital with the boys around him. Each one took their turn to yell at him. Then his parents called on Zayn's phone (since he had broken his own earlier) and they yelled at him too. He comforted them and told them they didn't need to fly down here. He was alright. But what he remembers most was the look on Louis' face. He entered the hospital room and shot up straight to hug him, in front of freaking Simon. Harry wanted to feel good about this but he was too pissed. He still had many unanswered questions in his head. 

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