You and I

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Louis woke up next morning and saw his phone was switched off, he figured it was due to low battery. He plugged it in and texted sweet things to Harry and got ready to go out shopping. Thankfully, no one really recognized him at the mall. He was quick to buy presents for his family as he already had in mind what all to get. For Harry, he dragged along Christie and strolled through stores. 

"He gave me such an expensive watch Christie. And, not just expensive, it's so beautiful. Look at it! I have to get something great for him."

"Some 'thing' ? Do you plan to get just one gift?" replied Christie.

"What? I mean, not that I mind buying more, depends on what I like but...I there like a rule to...get more??" said Louis in a little kid voice, waiting to be swatted by his sister. 

"How did you even have girl friends? I wonder.." said Christie rolling her eyes. 

"You and me both" said Louis and shrugged his shoulders.

"So, one present is for Christmas. Another is a return gift. For what he got you..duh" 

"Ooo.. Okay. But what can I get? You know, by the way, I thought this will be easy now that I am dating a 'guy'. But it's sad that I still need a girl's help. Urghh" said Louis. 

"Well, what does he like?" 

"He likes...clothes. Loves clothes. Colorful clothes. And, he also like jewellery.." 

"Well, might be too soon for jewellery you know. So we shop for clothes" said Christie dragging louis to the men's section. 

Louis liked everything he saw. He could imagine Harry in every piece of cloth there. He bought sweatshirts, shirts, t-shirts, pull overs..

"You know what , I think he might look good in a scarf.." said Louis picking up a few scarves too. 

He checked out the items. He obviously had gone overboard and secretly wished that Christie didn't feel jealous since he had bought a single present for each of his family members. But Louis had just admitted to Harry being his boyfriend last night, he wanted to shower him with presents and pamper him with all the love. 

The rest of the day went well. They decorated the house and spent a nice time having hot chocolate and lounging around around the tree. They had invited a few relatives over for dinner and Louis enjoyed catching up with everyone. Everyone seemed to think he was 'dating' Eleanor. He didn't mind and didn't bother to clarify. He was happy thinking about getting to chat with Harry once  everyone would leave. 

At night he quickly finished his bedtime routine and called Harry, who picked up in less than a ring. Both talked for hours and then passed out while still on the phone. 

The next morning was spent in exchanging presents with family members. Then, by noon Louis started getting the nerves. 

It had been enough time since Harry's accident and Louis thought........he felt that it might be the right time to take the next step. He would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about sleeping with Harry. He had obsessively, overly, thought about doing things to him. And creepily 'helped himself' thinking about the same things over and over again. But Goddammit he was too nervous. He had never been so nervous about such things with a girl in the past. In fact, he was barely tensed about his first time. Well, it might also be because he wasn't really 'in love' before. Because with Harry, everything was different. It was so odd; Harry felt like a precious item he wanted to protect and keep on feathers close to his heart so that he never gets the same time he knew that Harry was very much capable of taking control over Louis to have things his way. He was going crazy thinking of all the possibilities. He had compulsively read about how to go about things, gone through what can go wrong, how to avoid it. Hurting Harry would be the last thing he wanted. 

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