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Louis woke up the next morning with heavy eyes and a headache. He stretched and ran his hand through the bed randomly to find his phone, he caught it and raised it to his eyes and checked the time. 

9:30 AM

He huffed and threw it on the bed again. He was in and out of sleep the entire night. His heart fell heavy. He was burning with anger for the initial 2 hours of coming back to his room post his argument with Harry. He was disappointed that Harry didn't see his point of view and was determined to go out with a girl for media's attention. He wasn't gauging the underlying complications. For the next 2 hours he was extremely sad and started thinking about the possibility of Harry actually liking this girl. What if he really had a crush on her? What if he is into woman and has just been fooling around with Louis, just experimenting? Then he shook his head reminding himself 'for God's sake Louis, he sucked your dick'. He was just getting jealous and insecure which he didn't have the right to, since he never actually committed to Harry. Technically, Harry was free to do whatever he wanted because Louis was such a chicken in owning up and being in a relationship.  And then for the remaining 3 hours he felt guilty. Guilty for making Harry sad when he went to extreme lengths for planning his birthday. Despite just being out of injury, which by the way was because of Louis, he continued to cook for him without any complaints, he planned the entire party and did not even ask for help. And 'Oh God, the party' Louis thought and internally screamed. He pocketed his phone then curled on to his stomach and plopped out of the bed to the floor like a worm. He then lifelessly stretched and caught the door's handle to pull himself into upright position. 

'Fine..Apologize first..Bath later...I am going to do it..' Louis talked to himself and tip toed out of his room and walked towards Harry's. He stopped and exhaled sharply. 

He looked down at himself; he was still in the jeans and blue t-shirt from the day before. He did not bother to change into comfortable clothes last night while his brain was trying to kill him. He turned around and started walking back.

'Maybe bath first...apologize later. Smelling like a dead animal might not help the situation' he told himself. But then stopped in front of the kitchen again throwing his head back. 

'Stop being a pussy Louis!' he told himself and turned around to once and for all apologize. Before he could move, Harry's door jerked open and Louis quickly took out his phone and started scrolling through it mindlessly, trying to appear busy. 

Harry came out and stopped out of shock, he was not expecting to see Louis standing in the hall. He was fresh and ready in black skinny jeans, black sweater and his new flower printed white jacket. His curls rumpled, fresh out of shower. 

When Louis didn't sense Harry moving, he looked up to meet his eyes. 

"What?" Harry said narrowing his eyes slightly in confusion. 

"What?" Louis said shrugging his shoulders with nonchalance. 

"What are you doing?"

"P....porn?" said Louis curving his lips downwards and raising his chin, trying to look smug.  

"What??" said furrowing his eyes in bafflement. 

"What?...Uhm...Nothing...You going somewhere?" asked Louis. 

Harry straightened his face and nodded. He reached over to the kitchen table and picked up his keys and started walking towards the main door. 

"Where are you going?" called out Louis.

"I am going to the game....with Kendal" said Harry without looking back and walked out. 


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