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Alyssa woke up to the sound of her alarm clock jolting her from sleep. She rolled a little on the bed, mumbling some few words before slowly opening her eyes.

"Shit! this dumb alarm clock... argh!"She reached for the alarm clock and quickly turned it off squinting her eyes to adjust to the light which reflected into her room .

She got down from the bed, dragged her feets on the floor heading to the bathroom. She got to the wash-basin , rinsed her face before taking her eyes to the mirror.

She smiled at how pretty she looked but the smile faded away when she remebered what  today was. She'll be leaving the Phillipines to America cuz her dad and mom got transferred there for business.

Though, she was happy she'll be living in America but she still wished to remain in the Philippines because of her one and only friend , Nina.

Nina had been her best friend ever since they turned six and they've always been there for each other- always. She'll be leaving Nina to a very far place for the first time in her life and it was hurting her badly- she was like a sister to her.

She wished Nina could come along but that can't happen- Nina's step mom despised her.

She sighed and brought out her toothbrush applying little toothpaste on it. She took the toothbrush to her mouth and began brushing her teeth still in deep thoughts.

"Oh Nina!... really wished you could come along". She muttered and rinsed the toothpaste from her mouth.

She got rid of her clothes and got into the bathtub and began scrubbing and rubbing her body slowly. She was done in a jiffy. She quickly got down from the bathtub and grabbed her towel from the towel rail. She wrapped it round her body and headed out of the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

She walked towards her dressing table and picked up the tv remote , putting it on before reaching for her dressing table, gently sitting on it.

She applied her body lotion smoothly on her skin with her eyes fixed on the tv. She was watching one of her favourite reality show before it swiftly got interrupted by some entertainment news.

"Huh?... fuck!
Put that show back!" She yelled at the tv and clenched her fist.

"They were getting to the most interesting part of the show." She mumbled and rolled her eyes staring angrily at the tv.

She stood up and was about walking away when something in the entertainment news caught her attention. She turned back and faced the tv, staring at the journalist as she read the news.

📢📢 Famous and most youngest model; Kayden Geelord will be returning to America today.
The journalist paused with a small smile on her lips before continuing...
📢📢Kayden Geelord, youngest model in America, will arrive at the airport at ...

The beeping sound of Alyssa's phone interrupted Alyssa and she quickly turned her eyes to the direction of her phone making whatever the journalist was saying distant to her ears.

She walked to where her phone was on the bed, picked it up and quickly unlocked it.

A text messages?
Who would probably send her a text message so early in the morning?? She thought and began scrolling through the messages in her phone.

She gasped when she discovered who the message was from .

"Nina." She called slowly and quickly opened the message without hesitation.

"Dear bestest, ... " She read the message aloud .

"Still can't believe you'll be leaving for America today. Alyssa, what can I do without you by my side.
I know I should be happy for you cuz you're leaving for America but. .. I just find it difficult to be happy.
You know I can't do anything without you by my side... always!
If you're gone , then who will protect me and save me from the evil hands of my step mom .
What is she gets angry then who would I run to for help... huh?
Or what if she decides to starve me for some days then who would give me food to eat?!

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