Ch. 2: Changing Tides

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(Y/n): You're going to go to school instead of hanging out with me. Master, I thought you'd be more interesting but you proved me wrong.

Hakuno: Don't call me master.

(Y/n): And why not master. Are you perhaps enjoying me calling you that but don't want to admit it?

Hakuno: N-No.

(Y/n): What can this humble servant do for his master. Should I cook you a meal or do you wish for something on a more intimate level?

Hakuno: I-I'm fine!

(Y/n): It's your loss I've been told that I make a mean chowder by my crew.

Hakuno: Well stay here I don't want you peeking at me changing so I'm going to the bathroom.

(Y/n): Whatever you say I'll be looking around your room until then.

Hakuno: D-Don't go through my drawers.

(Y/n): You know I'm a pirate correct.

Hakuno: Yes.

(Y/n): So when someone tells me don't do something it's like telling me to do what you said not to.

Hakuno: Uh

(Y/n): Well go change your clothes then I'll be waiting.

Hakuno ends up grabbing her school uniform and goes into the bathroom the change. A few minutes later all sorts of noise can be heard coming from the inside.

(Y/n): Are you alright in there. It's normal if you have problems changing early in the morning. Just find a reason to push forward.

Hakuno: Oh my God there's a demon in here!

(Y/n): If you look like one then you need to gain more self-confidence. I'm sure there is someone uglier than you.

Hakuno: It has slimy tentacles!

(Y/n): Wait what did you say?

Hakuno: Help it has me in its grasps!

(Y/n): I'm coming in!

Kicking down the door he sees what was happening inside the bathroom. A small squid was crawling on Hakuno who had just her skirt on.

(Y/n): Ah, there you are (p/n) I've been wondering where you were at.

Hakuno: You know this thing?

(Y/n): Of course, I do (p/n) was my best friend. Although he looks different from what I remember.

The small squid just waves at its best friend. Then released Hakuno and crawled to (Y/n) and is now on his shoulder.

(Y/n): Parrots are overrated. Unusual animals like squid are where the real attention-grabber is at.

Hakuno: You're so weird.

(Y/n): I'm just not the stereotype pirate your use to. Now get to school I'll be checking out this city. Don't bother me unless you're about to die.

Hakuno: But you're suppose to protect me.

(Y/n): Just use a command seal if you need me. Otherwise, continue the day like you usually would.


(Y/n): The first thing that I need to do is to get a change of clothes. I'll stand out like a shark in a school of fish otherwise and I don't want to get into combat with any other servants just yet. Especially when my master is inexperienced doesn't know mage craft. I can already tell that this Grail War is going to be a pain in my rear.

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