Ch. 3: Deal With A Deadman

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Just so you readers know I don't plan on making (Y/n) the most OP character in the story. He's not weak but still not able to defeat certain servants single-handedly like Berserker.

Hakuno: Are you still mad at me for summoning you to save me and my friend?

(Y/n): Mad, mad? I'm furious! I told you just go through your day like you usually do and somehow you run into an enemy servant. Not to mention you got a civilian involved in this mess. You did exactly what I told you not to do! You're lucky I don't make you walk the plank.

Hakuno: Well you need to get over it. You're supposed to be older than me so act more mature.

(Y/n): Don't tell me what to do! I'm the one in charge of this relationship. I have the experience you lack to make it out of this situation alive. So if you want to live listen to what I'm telling you.

Hakuno: What happened to my command seal by the way? One of the swords is missing now.

(Y/n): You used one to call me when you were attacked by Lancer. Each master receives three and can use them to have a servant do whatever they wish even if it's against their will. The amount you receive is all you get unless the Overseer offers some as a reward.

Hakuno: So I'm down to two now.

(Y/n): When you run out our contract ends. However, that doesn't mean the other participants will still not try to kill you. It makes you an easier target. So don't be as careless as you were before. Avoid enemies when possible since you can't defend yourself. That's an order from your captain.

Hakuno: But I'm the master you even said it yourself. At the very least we should be equals.

(Y/n): Then show me that you deserve it. From what you have done so far. I'd have you do nothing but clean the deck of my ship.

Hakuno: Hey I think I'd be good enough to at least clean the cannons.

(Y/n): If I were to give you that task the ship would have found itself at the bottom of the ocean in just a day. Start small and work your way up. That's how I gained enough experience to become a captian.

Hakuno: Fine I guess since I don't want to use any more command seals I'll listen to you.

(Y/n) walks over to her and looks down. The aura that he was letting loose was heavy. Similar to feeling like someone feels when they're drowning underwater.

(Y/n): Do you mean what you say? I hate people who lie to me. If you are I'll cut off your head right now. I'm sure other magus would be interested in having another servant under their command.

Hakuno: Y-Yes I mean it.

The aura he once had disappears. It's replaced with a calming one. (Y/n) smiles at her before turning around and walking away.

(Y/n): You better. I can't stand being tricked once again.

Hakuno: Huh?

(Y/n): I'll be gone for a while. I expect you to be a woman of your word.

Hakuno: ...

(Y/n): On second thought I'll leave (p/n) here to watch you. I'm counting on you to keep her out of trouble little bud.

The squid gives its captian a solute. (Y/n) ends up entering his spirit form and disappears.

Hakuno: That's so uncool. Why does he trust a squid more than me?

(P/n) grabs a broom from the floor and hands it to her.

Hakuno: You want me to clean?

The squid nodes its head before making its way over to the t.v. and just laid there watching a nature show.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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