Happy Marriages are Made on Compromise

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You let her play grudgby?!" Amity heard Lilith yell as she carefully made her way to the kitchen, a draw string bag filled with markers and a handful of snails set aside for a pizza in tow. Her grip on her crutches tightening as the yelling continued, Amity felt herself shrink slightly as her ears pinned back in apprehension.

"I didn't LET her do anything!" Terra growled in return, the anger in the demon witch's voice unfamiliar to the green haired girl. "She's old enough to make her own decisions regarding her extracurriculars. She wanted to play and I supported her in that."

"And now her ankle is broken AGAIN," Lilith huffed, frustration apparent in her voice.

"It's a sport!" Terra scoffed, "sometimes people get hurt!"

"Exactly and had you not let her play, she wouldn't have!"

"But she loves it! I wasn't going to take that away from her just because something COULD happen."

"But something DID happen."

"And something could have happened regardless if she was playing or not! She could trip on the stairs or slip in a puddle! Does that mean I should never let her go anywhere with more than one story or out in the rain?"

"No, of course not!" Lilith scowled in exasperation. "I'm just saying, grudgby is an unnecessary risk that..."

"That Odalia and Alador had already taken away from her once!" Terra interjected with growl.

"And maybe rightfully so!" Lilith shouted, regret filling her mouth the moment the words left her lips. "Thats not..." Lilith stuttered as she stared back at her stunned wife, a look of disapproval plastered on the demon witch's face, the memory of Amity recounting how the Blight's banned her from the sport in favor of school flooding the couple's minds. "Thats not what I meant..."

"So what did you mean?" Terra frowned, a pair of arms folded across their chest tensing in anger.

"The damage Odalia inflicted on Amity's legs was so severe it took well over a year for them to heal and now her ankle is broken again. Repetitive injuries like that could have long term ramifications."

"And you don't think I of all people know that?" Terra scoffed, shifting uncomfortably. "Look, Lilith, I get it more than you could ever know and as much as I hate to see Amity hurt, I know what its like to have the one activity that brings you joy, taken from you. She knows just as well as you and I that repeated injury to her legs could leave her like me or even worse but... but at the end of the day, sometimes that shit is worth it to a person for what they love and... and I'll be damned if I take the right for her to make that decision for herself away from her," Terra huffed as a small sniffle and the quiet clattering of crutches on tile cut through a brief silence.

"Amity?" Lilith gasped as she and Terra
rushed to the kitchen door, too late as the small sound of a door closing just off the hallway echoed through the room.

Sighing in frustration as her partner turned to her once more, Lilith frowned at Terra's words, "what do we do now?"

"I'm going out to get some air," Lilith mumbled before turning on her heel towards their home's exit.

Ears pinning back, Terra frowned as their brow furrowed in concern. "When um... when will you be back?"

Not staying long enough to dignify the question, Lilith quietly shut the door behind her as a small sob escaped her lips. Frustrated and overwhelmed at
the thought of her baby hurt both physically, and now emotionally, the blue haired witch ran as fast as her legs would carry her, with no plans to stop until she reached help, in mind.

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