-Quirk Test-

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-Chapter 6-

Y/N perspective

I pulled on my uniform over a plain white tee and shorts. Wanting to make it my own I rolled up the sleeves and cuffed the legs. I grabbed my Chapstick and was reapplying when a brown-haired girl walked up to me. She was a couple of inches shorter than me and had a cute round face. Pink ovals added a splash of colour to her face and her fingertips had pink oval pads to match.

"Hey I'm Ochako Uraraka, I didn't get to introduce myself this morning, so.. I'm doing it now!" She said cheerfully

"Oh hi," said still recovering from her sudden appearance "im Y/n Midoriya"

Suddenly Uraraka's face turned a slight shade of pink. Looking down she opened her mouth to talk when she was interrupted by a tall girl. She was wearing what looked like diamond earrings and a luscious shade of pink lipstick.

'Who wore those expensive items to school?' i thought

" Y/N Midoriya?" she exclaimed "The green haired kid?"

"Yeah." I say confused "he's my brother"

"Oh," she said "anyway I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. You can call me Yaomomo for short."

"Wait," I said thinking " Yaoyorozu?, one of the richest families in japan?"

"Uh," she said looking down as if this was an insult "yeah, but i'm not mean about it."

"Hehe' I said "it's okay I understand"

"Hey," I said pausing when I noticed Ururaka had fled to her locker. Getting the message she wanted to be left alone I turned around to address my bag. It was plain with an All Might Key Chain and Gang Orca pin (gifts from Izuku). Shoving my Chapstick back in the pocket I noticed a small gem on the floor. As I reached to pick it up I blinked. It was gone, was I hallucinating? I shrugged it off and walked to the door.

Me and the rest of the girls walked into the sunlight where the rest of the class was waiting. I counted 20 kids and recognized a few. Izu, my brother. The Todoroki kid. Katsuki, ugh not him again. Denki, the pervert. The others I didn't recognize. A couple kids had already broken off into groups while I was standing alone.

"Alright today we are having a quirk assessment exam as we addressed earlier today." Our teacher said pausing to glare at a bird who broke the silence he was enjoying " It will consist of 5 parts. Soft ball throw, long jump, 50 meter run, weight lifting, and last but not least ball toss.

Soft ball throw will be a horizontal throw for the most lengthy toss, while the ball toss will be a vertical throw for the most height. Bakugo, how long did you throw the Softball in middle school?"

"67 meters" he said

"Now try with your quirk" Aziawa said

Gasps from the crowd bloomed when a whopping 705.2 meters appeared on the board.

"Alright," Mr. Aziawa said " Let's get started"

Over the course of an hour we used our quirks. On the long jump I took water and hopped from blob to blob until I had 6/8 of my power meter remaining. The Ball toss i made a torpedo of water spiral upwards leaving ⅝ of my power meter remaining. On the run I propelled myself forward in torpedo fashion leaving me with ⅜ of my meter left. The softball I used another torpedo to yeet the ball 600 meters taking me out to ⅛ of my power left.

"Alright" Mr. Aziawa said "here are the scores"

Silence was broken as some kids whispered "Yes!" and even a few sighs of relief. The one off one was my brother Izuku as he squeaked in surprise as his name was at the bottom.

A/N : you may choose where your name will be as your abilities differ for each person but I think Y/N would be towards the middle of the list.


"That," I said "was brutal" Sipping ice blue Gatorade

"Yeah" Izu said frowning

We walked towards the Caf ,as I called it (Izu told me that's not cool), we talked about our quirks. Izu never told me HOW he got his quirk but he tells me everything so one secret can't hurt, can it?

END (don't kill me)

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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