The Basics

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. . . Tikki the Goddess of Creation's POV . . .

I watched as my chosen woke up screaming from another nightmare. Where did it all go wrong for my precious holder? Was it when she became my chosen at twelve? I know it was a heavy burden for her and she didn't think she could do it but I think it helped her gain more confidence. Was it the even bigger burden of becoming the great guardian? No, it was before that. It has to be when Lila came, but it was because of the miraculous, that people started to doubt her. If she didn't have to protect all of us then that seed of doubt never would have been planted. Oh cookies, I'm just having trouble accepting that someone can be that evil at such a young age. It would have been slightly better but when Lila went on that vacation of hers. Kagami moved back to Japan. Luka moved in with his dad Jagged Stone and started his music career. Chloe apologized before she left for New York with her mother. I guess the main reason was the Akuma's. It just left my chosen with no one. Of course her parents were to busy with their bakery to notice. Then that liar and her crowd of sheep convinced her parents to kick her out. I just wish I could help her more. She is the strongest most caring holder I've ever had. I'm practically a goddess, how is there nothing I can do? I couldn't even help her when Chat tried to assault her, She was transformed but I just want to do more. At least she got Plagg back from that coward.

On the Brightside, she also defeated hawkmoth a few days ago, She had her suspicions and went in as Multi-Mouse. Came back out in the morning with both Miraculous and the grimoire. I'm so proud of her. The only helpful thing I could think of was planting the idea of leaving Paris into her mind. Getting out of here by being an exchange student is a great idea. I dropped very subtle hints, with the help of the other Kwami. We put one of the posters in her backpack and pulled it up on her computer screen so she would see it.

When she did see it in the morning after she woke up she immediately filled them out. She should get an answer in two weeks! Which is right when school ends!

. . . Marinette's POV . . .

The Kwami's idea of subtle needs some work. Yeah all nineteen need work in being subtle. At least there is one thing that is amusing in my day. Goodness knows nothing else will be. I love having all the Kwami with me. Plagg is mischievous and blunt it just completes them all, and so does Duusu with all her mood swings. Nooroo is still shy but we are getting there. I made them all a mini wardrobe to share, now they can play dress up with each other. I've also been teaching them to use their powers without a holder. They are getting really good. To do this safely all I had to do is transform with Wayzz and make a shelter. I shook my thoughts away as I seen the school. Tikki, Wayzz ,and Plagg pat my leg as a sign of comfort. I take a deep breath and continue on my way.

As I enter the classroom, I'm the first one here like always. I arrive early so that I can't do anything Lila accuses me of. I tell them I've been here all morning and to check the cameras. They never do but its not like my classmates ask for proof when it comes to what Lila says. I put in the cheap earbuds I brought with me. Then I started sketching on my tablet. It is a risk bringing it to school, so that's why I made a very realistic case that looks like a notebook. As the bell rang I shut my note book and put it away just in time. As the class came in following Lila. I turned up my music so I couldn't hear her or her lies. All I have to do is hide the cord and the teacher won't make me take them out. When I get home I'll just study out of the book. Thank Kwami she put the homework, on the board.

After school I walked to my studio apartment. I didn't have much because I didn't feel like buying anything. I had my sewing stuff in one corner and my sleeping area, a nest of pillows and blankets in another. My clothes were still in suitcases next to my nest as I call it. I had the essentials in my kitchen, but that was it. I could probably deck this place out with all the money I have saved up from commissions. Quite proud of myself for not buying a lot since I finally can leave Paris. One more thing my celebrity family doesn't know about this, and I'd like to keep it that way. Why you might ask, I'll just burden them with my problems and they don't need that.

A full week passed before they beat me up again. It was now a Friday, and I got accepted to be an exchange student. My host family will be the Kents. I learned that I'm their son Jon age. We will be attending Gotham academy together. Jon also has an older brother named Connor. I exchanged phone numbers with Jon so we could get to know each other better.

I spent July ninth, my birthday celebrating with the Kwamii. I also just decided to go out as Ladybug. I know I shouldn't have but I stopped by my parent's bakery to see what they were doing today. It was a normal day for them. I don't think they even realized it was my birthday. I cried I was on my way to the Eiffel Tower and knew I needed someone to stop me from Just jumping off the top.

I seen Andre and his Ice cream cart. I landed right in front of his cart, the tears were still just streaming from my face I spoke my voice shaking "Andre how magical is your ice cream, I'm all alone on my birthday, nobody cares what if I just jumped without catching myself, would anyone even blink in my direction." A sob escaped me. Andre then spoke "on the house I have coconut ash for both of your burned pasts, hazelnut for his skin and hard shell, and lastly green tea for his eyes and calm nature. I assure you LadyBug that you are loved. Happy birthday." He offered me the ice cream and a smile.

I happily excepted both and dried my tears so I could return home to the Kwamii. They could tell I had been crying but didn't ask they told me funny stories about things in their pasts.

Over the rest of the summer we got to know each other better his best friend's name is Damian and he is a grumpy pants. He now calls me Mari. I told him I was a fashion designer and avoided everything about my parents and class. I don't think he caught on. Thank the Kwamii. Packing up my stuff was easy all I had to do was put my sewing stuff in one suitcase and refold my clothes in the other one. I donated the rest of my stuff which was just the kitchen utensils and my pillows and blankets. The only thing I'll miss is the view from the Eiffel Tower as Ladybug.

I boarded the plane on a busy Monday. I didn't tell anyone I was leaving, they probably won't care though. The plane ride was calm I slept most of it and sketched the rest of the way to the Gotham airport. Then the Kents will pick me up and we will have about a 45-minute train ride to Metropolis. We will then drive to their house and I'll spend the week getting settled in before school on Monday.

I cant wait to land. To start fresh.

1375 words

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