New Start

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The plane landed. I grabed my carry on and exited. Thanking the flight attendants and the pilots on my way out. Surprisingly security isn't as tight when you are leaving the air port. I went down an escalator and seen a kind looking woman holding a sign with my name on it next to her was a boy with black hair and blue eyes framed by thick rimmed black glasses. The fashion designer in me was screaming. He was wearing very baggy clothes.

I walked to them and said "Hello I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng." The woman smiled and held out her hand to shake mine "Lois Lane-Kent dear." She said while shaking my hand. The boy then also eagerly shook my hand and said "I'm Jon. Nice to finally meet you in person Mari." We went to baggage claim and I attempted to grab my other suit case but Jon insisted upon carrying it.

We got into a Taxi that took us to the train station. Jon was a complete chatter box, he was telling me about everything in Gotham. When we got to the train station I tried to pay for my ticket, but Lois already bought it. We boarded the train they said on Wednesday we have a dinner at the Wayne's, so we would be back in Gotham for that. He then told me all about Metropolis.

Once we exited the train we got into a dark blue car. Lois starting driving to the house. These people seemed really nice. They could still turn on me though. Rose was the nicest person in the world and she did. 'It is a new place Mari they won't turn against you.' I wasn't finished with my pep-talk. When we arrived.

Jon still insisted upon carrying my other suit case and we entered the two story house. It was an open floor plan with modern looking furniture. Some one stood up from the couch. He walked towards me and stuck out his hand to shake mine "Hello Mari I'm Clark Kent. Connor moved out but he stops by often." (Connor is 18 and just graduated)

Jon then showed me to my room. He tried taking both my suitcases but I got my carry on before he did. He led me to the last door on the right. The first door on the right he said was the bathroom. On the left the first door was Jon's room, the last door was Connor's room.
"My dad ordered pizza, it will be here in like 10 minutes if your hungry. I guess I should leave you to it. Just ask if you have any questions. Okay?" Jon said after setting down my suitcase. I smiled and said
"Well do Jon thank you." Jon left shutting the door behind him.

I opened up the suitcase with the miraculous box and opened it up. All the Kwamii came out and asked about the flight. I told them and they each gave me a pep-talk. Knowing I needed it. I felt a lot better, but I still had my doubts. The Kwamii entered the box. I unpacked my sewing stuff and put the miraculous box back in the suit case before sliding it under the bed. I actually unpacked my clothes and put them in the dresser. By then I think it had been 15 minutes and I was hungry.

I walked down stairs everyone was gathered around the island eating pizza they had a supreme and a pepperoni pizza. Me and Jon ate the pepperoni pizza. We talked getting to know each other. I think Clark and Lois caught on about how I avoided all questions about my parents and class. Lois out right asked
"Did you call your parents yet?" To avoid questions and this entire topic I quickly said
"Yes," The Kent's shared a look. Lois said
"You know dear, one thing about being a good reporter is we can tell when someone is lying."

I let out a deep sigh
"I didn't call them" I said before mumbling "not like they care."
Clark asked "Why wouldn't they care?" I started turning red in embarrassment I tried changing the topic
"How are you guys so good at this?" Lois answered "We are reporters. Can you please awnser Clark's question." I gulped and started "Since you are so good at this I'll just tell you. Why I wanted to leave Paris."

Marinette is staying with the Kent's Where stories live. Discover now