start of summer

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It was the start of summer. No more school. I was legally adopted by Diana Prince. That way the media cant claim anything bad about uncle Jagged for adopting me.

(Cause she is MDC media might all be like you adopted the kid for free designs. We know Jagged would never but media would try and do something like that.)

So I don't technically have to return to Paris. I'm going to though with Dami and Jon for closure. Maybe then I can finally sleep at night.

Jason Todd is coming with us for adult supervision. Apparently 3 teenagers shouldn't go to another country unsupervised. Our first stop was the Wayne mansion in Paris to drop our stuff off. I didn't know they owned a house here in Paris. Then we decided we should get groceries as of all of us weren't tired.

My wonder mom will join us for breakfast tomorrow. Atlas, we still need groceries. The grand question is; how are we getting there? We chose to run.
"Last one there is a rotten egg!"
Yelled Jason.
Jon yelled back
"That really yolked prepare to be scrambled."
I laughed and took a short cutt. I know these streets not them.

Dami was smart and stayed right on my heels till he could see the store. Then he sprinted ahead of me. I wasnt slowing down I barrelled right into him. At least he can keep his balance. He didnt let me go till I caught my breath. About a minute after he let me go the others spotted us. Their jaws dropped.
"H-How did you beat us here?"
Jason asked while gasping for air.
I giggled
"Guys I grew up here. I know all the short cuts."

Jason our adult supervision screamed "Tevenge!"
Picked me up and threw me in a shopping cart and started sprinting around the store throwing stuff he wanted at me as he went. If I said I wasnt scared we would crash I'd be lying. Then they decided to take turns pushing me in the cart. When we finally got to the check out I was completely buried and couldn't move. Then when I attempted to get out of the cart Jason put me on the conveyor belt with the rest of the groceries. I turned towards the cashier to apologize, to see a stunned Nino. I hopped off the conveyor belt. He shook his head
"Dudette where the hell have you been?"
He said sadly. I spoke in an icy tone.
"I decided to be an exchange student. I'm only back for a sense of closure because I really like the place I visited. That and I dont have anything holding me here."
He nodded his head and continued ringing up our groceries. We called a cab to go back home in.

We all peacefully fell asleep.

I woke up screaming. Damian was the first to burst through my door. He seen me crying and captured me in a giant embrace. I held on to him for dear life. The tears wouldn't stop. We could have sat here for fifteen minutes or two hours. But my alarm to wake me up went off. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears. Damian released me and gave me a nod. Our silent communication was great. Understanding each other he stood up to leave so we can both get ready for the day.

I changed into a Robin themed outfit. I love messing with Dami. Red ripped shorts, a green t shirt with a Robin logo in yellow. Complete with black combat boots. I joined the others in the kitchen.

. . . Damian POV. . .

My Angel woke up screaming from a nightmare. She held on to me for dear life while she cried. The others rushed to her room and upon not seeing any danger left me to comfort her. We stayed there till her alarm went off. She somehow forced herself to stop crying. I pulled away. I met her eyes and gave her a nod to ask if she was okay. Her eyes said it all and I left so we could get ready for the day. I put on a pair of black Jeans with a plain red t shirt. I beat Mari to the kitchen.

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