Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The air was thick with disquietude, the clouds threatening to flood the sky as the sun fought to lay claim on the land. Bex Lakemore had plagued my mind since the moment I lay eyes on her grainy black and white photo. The pixels that contoured her high cheekbones illuminating her face didn't compare to the real-life image seared into my mind. I made my way along the wet cobblestone path leading towards the courtyard, brisk footsteps echoed off the brick arches as I passed beneath them.

A body slammed into me from behind, a hand grabbed ahold of my arm before I fell victim to the mossy stone path. "Pardon my haste, I did not mean to shove you." A young man, older than I yet adolescence hadn't left his features. A mop of brown hair sat on his head, freckles dusted across his face and pale eyes stared down at me; a fifth year, the raven emblem stitched onto his coat gave him away.

"Well, what compelled you to run and not pay attention as you did so?" My tone may have come across too bitter and my tongue too sharp.

He was unfazed, "Didn't you hear?" A sort of mystified glint sparked in his eyes.

I had no idea what he was referring to as I shook my head, gripping the leather strap of my bag with both hands. "A Vail Guardian was found murdered in the north part of the academy at Melgren Castle." I blinked bewildered before he went bumbling back at a breakneck pace through the courtyard.

Murdered. A messy and frightful word, a pit formed in my stomach at the familiarity. The news spread like wildfire enveloping the minds of the young and the old, of course, it had, tragedy and gossip go hand in hand. Everyone loves a tragedy so long as it doesn't happen to them; it was known to me, we were intimate, tragedy and I. My life was one vicissitude after another, always changing, always adverse. I passed groups of students of all years gossiping, the tune of catastrophe spilling from their lips the dissonance grating my inner ear.

My feet had a mind of their own as they led me down the winding path to the north; Melgren Castle named for the late, late Bartholomew Melgren one of the first Lycanthrope. A prodigious amount of moss oozed from the deep ruts of bark covering the enormous cedars in a sea of green. Lichens coated the large stones blending them into the forested landscape, tall sword ferns thrashed against my legs as I continued north.

The spires peeked above the treetops first then the castle emerged, it wasn't what you'd expect when you hear the word castle being used to describe the decrepit building. Windows were shattered, vines of crimson and deep green covered a majority of the stone walls, three spires topped the fortress though two were broken. One lay sadly cast to the side, the wood rotting into the earth; another hung to the structure clinging with iron talons. Somehow it was still majestic.

A black SUV was parked along the side of the building, odd for a homicide to send only one vehicle, more strange that the vehicle was unmarked. Curiosity got the best of me, as it usually does, I peeked into the tinted windows finding...nothing. The leather interior sat polished and refined not a blemish upon it, it was immaculate and boring.

"Can I help you?" The tenor of a man's accented voice broke the eerie silence, I smacked my forehead against the pane.

Turning with warm cheeks and my hand resting upon my head I saw a rather tall man, broad shoulders covered by a black trench coat, brunette hair rest an inch or so past his chin half pulled into a tie. He had a strong jaw and a beard to go with it; one brow perfectly arched as he awaited my response. I could see his gaze shifting to the scar across my eye, questions lurking in the recesses of his mind.

", yes, could you please identify what agency you are from, this is private property." I moved towards him crossing my arms, mirroring his dubious expression.

A carny smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, "And you are?" Irritated.

I waved my hand, "Never you mind that, answer my question."

A dark chuckle emanated from him, "If you so insist. I am Commander Vulkan Payne, I am with the— "

"Lycan Legion." Our voices melded together; I answered my question, I knew exactly who he was. Notorious, vile, cruel a few other more colorful words dance in my mind. Now it made sense, the lack of decal on his vehicle, a rental no doubt. What would the Legion want with this case? Furthermore, why would they send Payne of all people?

"So, you are familiar?" Again, a light accent flitted from each syllable. I couldn't place the region.

"Familiar with you that is, I mean your reputation, that is to say, you're famous amongst the...famous isn't the right word. Forgive my rambling, I just didn't expect the Legion to be investigating something such as the murder of a Vail Guardian."

He folded his arms, "I guess I don't understand what you're implying."

Beads of sweat collected at my hairline threatening to fall. Successfully I swallowed the lump in my throat, "Is this not beneath your standards?"

"The Legions standards or mine?" He took a few menacing steps closer, shrinking the gap between us.

"I-what I am trying to say— "

"Hmm, what are you trying to say?"

"Well, if you would let me finish." We bickered like we'd known each other for years, and in a way, he did seem familiar, beyond what I knew of his reputation. "This isn't exactly the Legions business."

"Tread carefully and mind your next words." His accent laid on a bit thicker.

Scoffing, "This is the Vail's business, not the Legions, and certainly not yours."

"Then you must be the Vail detective, I was informed the Academy wanted to keep this—"he motioned between us, "—under wraps, and that they would send one of their own to assist. Detective Greene was it?"

Before I could stop myself the shake of my head turned into more of a nod, I held out my hand, "Yes, I am detective Greene. Now, take me to the scene?" He motioned for me to follow as he approached the side of the stone tower. A large wood door creaked open as we entered, the winding steps loomed, my perception morphing the closer we got to the top. A man was in there, a dead man, this is the absolute last thing I need to see.

I saw the black boot belonging to the Guardian before I saw all of him, I hesitated but only for a moment. Then he came into full view. Vulkan stepped around the body, giving more space for me to fit in the rather tightly enclosed room. For a moment his blood became her blood, his body her body and I froze. Flashes of memories blinding me, every thought filled with moments of my past. Moments of Sarah. What was I thinking I shouldn't be in here.

"Detective Greene?"

I didn't realize I was kneeling, I slowly stood back up my gaze coming to rest on Vulkan's face, "I was wondering if you were familiar with this symbol?" I moved, carefully stepping over the man's foot to see what he was motioning to. A bloody symbol carved into the delicate flesh of his neck, dried blood clung to his skin the trail disappearing into the thick burgundy pool around him.

A lump formed in my throat, it couldn't be possible, but there before my eyes was the very same mark carved into my flesh, "That is a Sigil."

His expression showed surprise before his eyes darkened and he wiped the emotion from his face, "Witches."

I nodded, "Not just any Hex, a Sânge. That is the Adeverat, the mark of a truth-teller. He was interrogated before his death."

Silence answered me, I looked to Vulkan only to be met with gold eyes mere inches away, his minty breath fanning the bangs from my face. "You're a Kindred." I pushed away from him, my back slamming into the decrepit wood walls, a spike dug into my shoulder as I cried out, slumping to the floor.

"The blood of your veins runs with the ichor of false gods! I can smell the stench!" The walls reverberating with his furious bellow. His hand struck me; my cheek stung as I scrambled my way down the tower steps. Tears flowing freely hot against my skin as I ran for my life.

I darted into the thick foliage, passing a woman with long dark hair, a badge clipped to the front of her black slacks.

Detective Greene.

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