Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Bex Lakemore ascended the steps, her hair swaying at her hips as she walked, a sea of charred wheat. Her eyes met mine but the gaze lasts only a second, did she recognize me? How was it possible, she's supposed to be dead? I sat there watching, mouth agape as she began to speak.

"I represent the Lycan Legion, in light of current events I have been sent for some simple questioning. Now I know some of you may be confused about the severity of the situation at hand but fear not for we have everything under control. Do not concern yourselves with trivial details or gossip— "

Government-related entities always use so many words, yet somehow still manage to say absolutely nothing. "Oh my god, that's Beatrix de Wintoure," Natalie's voice cut through the cacophony of thoughts wracking my brain.

"Beatrix? I thought her name was Bex?" I turned confused by her observation.

Natalie shook her head, her curls tussled more than before, "That was her second great-grandmother, Bex Lakemore. Their family is Legendary." Her voice faded as she continued to speak, the gentle closing of a door caught my full attention.

His walk was more of a saunter as he confidently approached where the other Lycan was speaking, his strides long but without haste. He stood just to the left of her his hands resting behind his back militarily as if he were 'at ease'. I hadn't noticed before, the small scar in his eyebrow preventing the hair from regrowth, the sharp angles of his jawline, and the way his beard seemed to accentuate those angles.

He looked too serious, forlorn even, this same cruel man who hours earlier attacked me. I lowered my posture, trying to blend further into the students around me, to my utter demise everyone seemed to be filing out of the grand hall already. Natalie tugged on my arm, "Uh, earth to Saana, let's go."

It was too late, we locked eyes, gold bled into his green irides, but he seemed to be holding himself together, his will stronger than before. I rushed along with the horde of other students trying to escape before he could get to me, exiting through a side door, losing Natalie in the process. "Ahh!" I tried to get loose from the strong grip.

His thumb planted directly above my newest scar as he held tightly to my shoulder, "Detective." He pushed me into another side room just off the grand hall, it looked to be a private study of some sort, a room I'd never seen. "Or perhaps there's something else I could call you, witch?"

Surprisingly I was met with green eyes instead of the aureate color of a true lycan. They drew me in, the depth of them unknown, shades of green swirled in them, and flecks of brown fought to be seen. He was evil, yet a beguiling mixture of allure and peril. What am I thinking? He hates the Hecs, the Craft, and everything we stand for. I pulled away from him, "What are you thinking! I-I am a student, one you've already attacked no less."

I cross my arms as he began pacing on the other side of the room, "Sinful." His voice barely a whisper.

"What am I so guilty of?"

He abruptly stopped, "A witch is always guilty, no? You impersonated a Vail detective, you inserted yourself into an investigation that you had no business being a part of, and as you said yourself, you're a student." His words laced with venom as he came towards me, standing mere inches away.

"But you're not just any witch, are you Sallow? You're a blood witch, a sânge. Defiled magick runs in your family, well, what's left of your family." I let my emotions get the best of me in the worst of circumstances, I've always needed improvement in that department, however, there are always exceptions to rules. Once more I let those emotions take complete control as I reared my arm back, the full of my palm connecting to the side of Vulkan's face.

His head snapped in the opposing direction and for a moment there was complete silence, our hearts beating wildly in our chests. Anticipation fueled my being as I awaited the consequences of my actions. I just slapped the commanding officer of the Lycan Legion, I slapped Vulkan Payne, I Saana, am a total halfwit.

"Do not speak ill of the Sallow name and do not soil what it is to be a Hex. How dare you, a wolf no less believe that you are any better than a Daughter of Hecate, or have you forgotten that She is your maker too?" Adrenaline coursed through my so-called defiled veins as I exited the room, making a beeline for the Hex dormitory. I needed to pack, I needed to run.

I arrived to find my door slightly ajar, my heart running into my throat, with a deep breath I shoved the door open. It slammed against the wall and sitting on my small twin bed was none other than Beatrix de Wintoure. "How did you get in here?" I entered the room, keeping my distance from the intruder.

"Sallow is it?"


"Hmm, your mother was a powerful Hex." She walked around the small room, running her finger across the bed frame, making her way towards my dresser.

"I am here to ask for your assistance, it's a bit unorthodox with you still being so young. Commander Payne already informed me of your coup d'état from this morning."

"What makes you think I would help you?"

She faced me, twirling the black and white photograph of Bex Lakemore, her second great grandmother between her fingers. "You help me, I help you." Her perfectly manicured eyebrow was arched.

I crossed my arms, "I don't need your help."

A dark chuckle left her red lips, "Oh darling, your naïveté is showing." She came closer, stroking my cheek with a gloved hand. "I can tell you things you've only dreamt of remembering."

I gasped, "You're not a Lycan, you're a clairvoyant." With a single nod and a smirk, she left, leaving the door wide open. 

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