Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

That blood had permeated into the old wood, a vile smell, one that would cling to the inside of my nose for eternity no doubt. What was I thinking, pretending to be the detective? I was a fool, it was only a matter of time before he would sniff me out, he's a Lycan and he's Vulkan Payne, a living legend. A known proprietor of the Legion Stronghold, which has a proclivity to torment its guests, and the man himself a penchant for that torture. Their VIP guests, Hecs more commonly called witches.

As syllogism dictates, he hates, nay loathes Hecs. Vulkan has a known propensity to be cruel and wicked, it truly was foolish of me to play such a game, he'd inevitably come across me at the academy. The pain in my shoulder persisted as I made my way towards the dormitories in the west wing of Vail Academy's main castle. Luckily, I didn't have a roommate to ask incessant questions, though I wasn't isolated, few other witches attended the academy and all of them stayed in the west wing.

The main entrance to our dorms was commanded by a large pockholz wood door, wrought iron filigree in the shape of a large tree was engraved into the wood. Lignum vitae, the wood of life or tree of life depending on who you'd ask, is one of the strongest and hardest woods in the world. So dense in fact that magick of the craft cannot penetrate it, it's the equivalent of soundproofing.

I twisted the large iron fox door handle, the tip of the fox nose pressed into my palm piercing the skin just enough to draw blood, the key to entry. Hecs aren't the most popular of night creatures, placed alongside Umbras and other demons as depraved creatures who do only harm; the extra security is necessary. The Vlasilan covens and Lycanthrope perceive themselves to be above the rest, civilized, mild-mannered, not to mention there are more of them than the rest of us. It's ironic considering the Vlasilan are basically vampires or more commonly called demons from Hell; if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.

I rushed to my room, the door slamming behind me as I peeled the shirt from my body, the blood dried enough to make it sticky. The freshly healed over scab pulled from the wound causing a new rush of fresh blood, I tossed my shirt into the bin making quick strides to the mirror. The injury was bigger than I had anticipated, it had more of a rectangular shape, and I couldn't say how deep it went. I pulled out the first aid kit fumbling to grab gauze and antiseptic solution, I hissed in pain as I pressed the cotton into it, the edges of the stab wound bubbling.

Biting my thumb hard enough to draw blood I rub it over the wound, "Vieteas." I could feel my skin moving, stretching and pulling, mending the tear until all that remained was a thin pink scar. A quick shower, a change of clothes, and I feel normal already as if I never impersonated a Vail detective or was assaulted by a Legion Officer.

"All students and staff report to the main hall for an announcement in fifteen minutes. All students and staff."

Before the dormitory door latched behind me, she was standing there, blithesome with a bright smile to match, "Saana!" I said I didn't have a roommate to ask incessant questions, I do however have a friend who fills the job quite well. I would say best, though that would be a lie, I never let anyone too close. "Did you hear?" Her tone was a touch too cheery for the inevitable subject matter.

"Nice to see you too Nat."

She snaked her arm around my own locking us together as we walked towards the main hall. The meeting had called for all students, not at all unexpected given the circumstances. "They canceled classes indefinitely. I heard they believe the murderer posed as a student to gain entry."

I halted, "What?" Canceling classes indefinitely, a touch irrational, and the suspect posing as a student, the Vail certainly had a lapse in security. I still didn't understand why he was tortured, what could he have known?

Her red curls bounced as she vigorously nodded her head, "Quite a scandal! I also saw some of the Legion, with my own two eyes."

"Natalie, someone's death ought not to be taken so lightly."

"What's up with you? You seem decidedly more morose." I rolled my eyes as she began tugging me along, meandering closer to our destination amongst the sea of students. My shoulder twinged, a little bruising was par for the course, luckily, she didn't seem to notice or if she did, said nothing.

"A little birdie also told me you weren't in mathematics today."

Great. "Who is this magical bird from whence you derive all knowledge?" I arched a brow at my pretty quidnunc.

"Ah-ah— "she wriggled a finger at me, "Remember, loose lips sink ships."

We enter the Grand Hall; long rows of circular mahogany tables filled the space each holding a candelabra and several masterful carvings of the creatures of night. Droves of students filed in, taking a seat with their respective classmates, huddling together to no doubt continue their gossip. Natalie and I found a table, unfortunately, closer towards the front of the hall where the professors stood collectively; sly glances and secrets slither from their tongues, a monotonous drone filled the room.

A few more moments passed before Headmistress Blythe de Beauchamp ascended the steps in front of the marble podium. Velvet robes of magenta hung off her small frame, she looked at each one of us before she spoke. "As you all undoubtedly know of the unfortunate events to have happened the past few hours, classes will be canceled indefinitely. It is under our absolute conviction that it is unsafe to house the students in the Vail—

Effective immediately you will be transported to an undisclosed location you will no longer be under the aegis of the Vail, but that of your parents or guardians."

Whispers broke out in the hall, the sounds reverberating off the walls growing louder by the second. "Last thing I want to do is go home, my great aunt Lily is visiting which means meatloaf Mondays. Yuck." Nat made a show of shoving her finger down her throat gagging.

I shook my head, "I can't go back to Hecs Asylum." I felt Natalie's hand come to rest on my shoulder, her face wore a penitent expression. The orphanage for Hecs, young witches, I'd been with them since my family's massacre when I was just seventeen. In our world you can't emancipate from an organization such as the Hecs Asylum until you reach twenty years of age; unfortunately for me, that was two months away. They believe a debt is owed from each hex they 'save', really, they just want to bleed you of your magick, literally.

I was in my final year at the Vail, the timing of this bedlam was curious. Vulkan Payne being sent to investigate the murder of a guard, that guard being tortured, I mean why send the top dog, pun not intended.

"SILENCE!" Headmistress de Beauchamp's voice resonated throughout the hall.

Heels clicked along the marble floors, an even tempo echoing. I turned to catch a glimpse of a woman, tall and thin a tight black dress clung to every part of her. The room was silent as she leaned towards the headmistress murmuring something in her ear, she nodded leaving the podium. The newcomer took her place tucking some of her straight locks behind her ear, my heart stopped as her icy blue eyes met my amber ones.

Bex Lakemore.

(photo: pulled from google images)

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