Chapter 1

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My hands are shivering, as I stepped outside my house that cold morning. As I strolled to catch the bus my thoughts began to linger a bit on the topic love. I found myself asking the question, will I ever find love? I shook my head in disbelief because I have never actually found myself asking this question and I have always thought that love was for older people besides I had just turned 15 years old. I hurried down the sidewalk and came to a stop at the bus stop. A few minutes later the school bus came and I went in. I sat beside my best friend Lindsey. She started talking about her holiday before I even settled. While Lindsey was talking I heard nothing she said because the thought of love was on my mind still strangely.

" Serena! " she said loudly.

I snapped back into my senses and remembered she was telling me about her holiday.

" Are you even listening to me? " she asked bluntly.

" Yes, I am, " I lied.

" Doesn't seem so though", she implied.

" Do you ever feel your self thinking about love? " I asked unexpectedly.

Lindsey looked at me surprised." yes, "she said," that's why I have a boyfriend, don't you remember? "

" Ok, but why the surprised look on your face? " I asked in a little murmur.

" I'm surprised because you don't believe in love. Remember that's what you told me? " implied Lindsey.

" yes I remembered. Now I feel bother by the thought and I think it's time I gave love a chance. Don't you think so? "

She burst into a frenzied laughter." I said I have a boy friend, but I didn't say I was in love. I'm only 15 years old kiddo, love isn't for me right now. "

I felt ashamed at Lindsey's comment. She could tell by the look on my face. I wondered if she had pitied me.

" Hush, love will find you ain't no denying, " she said as she caressed my cheek feeling bad at her comment.

The bus finally reached school and everyone got off. The bell suddenly rang leaving  no one any time to idle or linger.

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