Chapter 2

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Everyone sat in class remembering where they had sat last semester.

" We have a new student in our class ", were the words of Ms. Barrett ,"  His name is Brett Hart and he's from McCoy's institution, but his family had recently moved causing him to be here. "

As my gaze turned to him a fire was ignited in me. His dark, smooth, slightly curled hair, his hazel eyes and thin cherry lips rested perfectly on his masculine narrow face. My eyes further lingered and absorbed his still growing broad chest, his thick muscles and lean, well toned torso. In an instant I knew the curves of his face and the structure of his body.

I felt attracted to him like two  magnets put together. What's happening to me? I wondered. Why do I feel so ignited by this boy. I suddenly noticed that an empty seat was next to me because Kelly had moved to California last semester. I prayed that Ms Barrett doesn't put him to sit beside me because I thought I would melt at his glory.

My worst fear had came to life.

" Sit beside Serena, the girl in the red with extra long curly black hair in that row right there, " she said has she pointed to the chair and desk next to me.

Brett slowly walked to the seat. As he pulled out the chair from under the desk I watched his muscular arms and found myself licking my lips in a seductive way . He looked at me and gave a mysterious chuckle. Oh my God ... He had seen me I thought and when he sat down I lifted my had without hesitation and said "Miss!".

"Yes, " she answered and averted her eyes on me.

" May I be excused to go to the bathroom? " I asked.

" Sure, Ms Williams, " she answered.

I got up from my seat and dragged my body to the bathroom. My knees felt really weak and wobbly almost as if they were made of jelly. Brett had a big effect on me and I knew why, but I didn't want to admit it to myself. I liked him. I was attracted to him in every way and I didn't even get to know his personality. I wanted to tell Lindsey, but she took everything as a joke and for me this was something serious. I sighed and left the bathroom. At the class door upon returning I filled my lungs with fresh air and breathed it out slowly. I had to pull myself together and face the facts that I liked a boy and that he sat right beside me.

I entered the classroom and went back to my seat and sat down. Brett stared at me for about 7 full minutes and I watched him from the corner of my eyes fearing that he would notice me.

" Are you okay, " he asked softly," you seem a bit pale. "

I nervously looked at him and stuttered ," ye.. yea. "

" My God I don't bite you know, " he assured me, " I wanna be your friend. "

" Really?! " I asked in disbelief, but yet an overly exited tone." Sorry for that I'm just bit... " I stopped.

" A bit what?" he asked shyly.

" Weird " I answered.

" I don't care,  I like weird girls. You seem perfect and might I add your quite beautiful. " he said with a captivating yet dark smile.

The bell rang and curtailed my moment of happiness. I realized that for the first time in forever I neither learned nor heard a thing miss thought. Before I got up to go I smiled at him and said, " Thanks. "

I held his hand and walked to the door with him forgetting about Lindsey purposely. I felt him close as we headed for the halls.

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