Chapter One

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A group of girls crowded around the screen to see his face and, more accurately, hear his voice. 

“Say ‘bloody hell’!” exclaimed one girl.

“Bloody hell” he said and they giggled like school girls.

“Say ‘cheerio’!” said another one.

“… Cheerio?...”

Giggles erupted again as he caught her eye, she was the only one not giggling.  Instead she had a smirk on her face as she rolled her eyes.

“Sorry about that,” she said as she closed the door behind her, “this is why we can’t Facetime when everybody’s home, they can be a bit… overwhelming.” She said the last word as she collapsed into bed, holding her phone outstretched above her head.

“It doesn’t bother me, I just couldn’t understand anything they were saying. I’m still not used to your American accents.”

“Still? We’ve talked on the phone for like two hours a day for the last… what? 2 and half months?”

“True. But when they are all talking like that, I really only hear your voice. Other than that it’s just a blur. I’ll never understand why you live in a house with a hundred other girls.”

“It’s not a hundred,” she said, sounding jokingly exasperated.

She went on to explain to him (again) how sororities worked as he (again) sounded skeptical of the whole thing. They spent the rest of the afternoon like this, talking and laughing, until it was time for him to go to sleep and for her to start on homework.


“I really only hear your voice”

When he first said it she just laughed but now, as she was drifting off to sleep, the phrase kept repeating in her head (in his perfect English accent) and she melted every time she thought of it. This, she thought, this is why the distance is worth it. Why he is worth it.

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