Chapter 17

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Denmark's POV

I woke up with a headache. "Dane?" I looked at him.


"Just seeing if your up"


"Well we have to get up. The girls don't have school today" he said tiredly.

"Okay" I got up, went to his side of the bed, and picked him up bridal style.

"Dane what are you doing?"

"You still seem tired so I'm carrying you downstairs" he hung on tight and I took him downstairs and set him on the couch. "Plus you're probably still limping because of me" he blushed and covered his face.

"Shut up"

I heard little feet come downstairs. "Hey Mama hey Papa!" Einar said.

"Hey where's KatrIne?" Norge said

"She's still sleeping I can wake her up"

"No let her sleep. She has no school she needs the sleep" I said.


"What do you want for breakfast?"

"DANISHES" he said. I chuckled and nodded. I picked him up and set him on the counter as I got out the ingredients. "How many does your sister want?"

"Let me ask." He paused "Three"

When the danishes were ready, I heard KatrIne run downstairs in her pajamas. "YAY! Thanks Papa!" She smiled and hugged my leg. "Jeg eskler deg Papa"

"Jeg esklar dig KatrIne" I said and picked her up.

They ate their danishes and Ice cam,e down from hibernation. I gave him a plate and took a plate in the living room for Norge and I. "Here." I smiled and handed him the plate. He took a bite out of one and smiled.

"Why are your pastries so good?"

"I'm just awesome like that" he took my tie and I thought he was gonna choke me, but instead he kissed me. I smiled.

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