Chapter 20

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Denmark's POV

As the 6th period bell rang, it was time for lunch. I sat next to Norge, the kids, and the rest of the Nordics.

"This is better than my old school" KatrIne said.

"If anyone picks on you I'll beat up their father" I said jokingly and kissed her head.

I ate my danishes and watched the kids eat theirs as Norge leant on my shoulder.

"School gives me a headache" he frowned. I kissed his head. His head was burning against my lips.

"Norge you are burning come on! Ice, watch the kids" he nodded and I took Norge to the nurse. She said his temperature wasn't a normal temperature for a sick nation. She had him lay down.

"Is something going on in your country?

"I don't know" he frowned. She got on her computer and looked at Norwegian news.

"There was a plane crash in Oslo that destroyed a lot of homes and is still destroying.. It caused a huge fire.." She said.

"Wait then what about our daughter? She represents Oslo and she seemed fine."

"I don't know."

Just then Iceland came in. "Denmark are you able to pick up KatrIne?" He said panicked.


"Well she passed out and is all of a sudden really heavy so we need you to get her" my eyes widened and I rushed out to get her. When I got there I tried to pick her up. I did, but she is really heavy.

I rushed her to the Nurse and lay her down next to Norge.

"Why is she all of a sudden heavy?" I asked

"That's what happens to little ones when something bad happens." I nodded and looked to her. I removed her clip and glasses and set it on a table.

"You nodded should take her to your dorm. Lukas you're excused from class" I helped him stand up and picked up KatrIne. Norge picked up her glasses and clip.


Norge was sleeping and KatrIne was still out. I opened the window to let some cold air in. Luckily in America its winter. Iceland came home with Einar and he ran into his sister's room.

Einar's POV

KatrIne are you awake?

No response. I sat next to her and waited for her to wake up.


"Einar is she awake?" Papa called.

"No" I called back.

"Well dinner's done."

I walked downstairs and ate. I ran back upstairs as soon as I finished. She still wasn't awake. I went to my room and got blankets and pillows. "What're you doing?" Papa asked.

"I'm sleeping in there until she wakes up." He nodded.

"Im glad you're so caring of her" I smiled. I walked into her room and went to sleep.


I woke up and everything hurt. It felt like I was hit by a bus. She still wasn't awake.

I went and woke up Papa.

"KatrIne is in a lot of pain right now.."

"Okay" he nodded in understanding.

I woke up Mama. Papa rushed her to the car. I got in and Mama got in. We went to the nation hospital. KatrIne please wake up...

She was put in a bed.

"Mama, how many people died?" I asked finally understanding the situation.

"A lot of people. ¾ of the population of Oslo.. The rest fled."

"With no people she could.." Papa started but never finished.

"Please don't.."

After even three weeks she still wasn't awake. I had to go back to school and our teachers had my classes make get well cards. Mama was emmited to the hospital too because his condition was getting worse.

Everything was going downhill. Papa told me mama is in a coma as well as Kat. He's been more and more unstable. I may be 13 in human age but I share pain with Kat and I know what depression is with it. I was told by Ice that Papa has depression but it was temporarily lifted by Mama and she isn't there for him anymore.

They say Mama won't die but Oslo, along with Kat, will most likely dissolve. That makes me want to cry with Papa. I most likely will be losing my sister, and my best friends. I don't have any other friends. I'm trying to stay strong for Kat.

Papa told me once a country flat-lines, there's no bringing them back. There's no restarting their heart. Nothing like that so just in case the worst happens, he has me say goodbye to her every day before I go to school. It hurts to think that when I go back, she could be gone.


Mama woke up, but KatrIne is yet to. There's been weird tension between Mama and Papa. I think I know why. From what i can tell, Papa started wearing long sleeved shirts a few weeks ago when Mama fell asleep. That's not good...

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