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dating kaito would include:

-stargazing dates woooo!

-it is his ultimate after all

-ever since you started dating, the sky has been a lot clearer hmmmm

-he points out all the constellations to you

-he tests you on them lol

-for your birthday he got you a chart of next year's stars (where they'd be in what area of the sky, what time etc.)

-for his birthday you made him a poster of what nasa captured on his birthday each year

-try it! type in what nasa saw on your birthday, you might see something really cool :)

-you both often end up staying out most nights to see the stars

-you try to stay awake but you just end up falling asleep lol

-now he has the perfect chance to take pictures of you for blackmail muahaha

-but in all seriousness he thinks you look adorable asleep

-even if you say otherwise

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