Night Drive

169 11 7

A/N: This is a long update, a long one since I hadn't updated for awhile so here you go, enjoy reading everyone!

Also there are scenes which were inspired from some different series, you'll find them as you read the story

Chimon's POV

--- 22:30 ---

I was preparing to go to bed when I received a message,


'who would text me at this hour, this better be important' I thought as I grabbed my phone from the desk beside me

[you got a message from "NNN 💗"]
"Are you still awake?"
"If you are, can you please come with me?" 

That's really unusual, he doesn't really like to message nor call when it's this late at night, especially if he's the one to receive. I remember that one time I called him this late and when he picked it up, I received some scolding but not harsh or anything tho and got a smack in the head the next morning lol


There must be something going on as to why he's messaging me at this hour. So I opened my inbox to reply -


< messages


"Are you still awake?"
"If you are, can you please come
with me?"

"Yeah, I'm awake"
"Is something wrong? You need


Before I could type another reply, my phone then suddenly rang, it said 'NNN 💗' in the caller ID. I then picked it up,

--- In call ---


"Umm hey Chi..."


"I didn't wake you up right?
sorry for calling you this late..."

"No it's fine... I wasn't sleeping yet"

"Oh... then that's a relief, I guess?
I hope I didn't bother you"

"No not at all... It's okay
Hey... Is everything okay?
You need anything?"

"Yeah everything's okay...
why'd you ask?

"It's really unusual for you
to call this late, so... I thought
maybe something's wrong"

"Ohhh... did I make you
worried?... sorry..."

"No, it's fine, really, so...
why'd you call? and what do you
mean by going with you?"

"Oh right... nothing really, I
just wanna go out tonight but
I don't wanna go alone so...
I thought maybe you can
come with me?"

"At this hour? you really
wanna go out?"

"Yeah I feel like going out
tonight but if you don't want to,
it's fine with me, I'll just go alone"

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