It Could've Been Us

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I entered to the room to see Chimon fixing himself in the mirror,

"Hey" I called as soon as I entered the room,

"Hey, what do you think? Do I look good?" He asked as he showed his outfit and turned around for me to see

"Hmmm, you look good" I answered as I placed both of my hands inside my pockets, "but not as good looking as me" I teased,

He didn't say anything back but he only chuckled as a response,

I saw that his necktie weren't properly done so I came closer to him to do his necktie for him, he still can't do it right, when will he ever learn to do this correctly?

"You're already a man and you still can't tie your necktie properly?" I told him as I chuckled, "you know I can't always be there for you to do your necktie" I continued,

"You don't have worry about that anymore because now I have her to do it for me" he answered as a smiled appeared on his face,

Right, of course he has someone now,

and yes today is his wedding day and here I am on his wedding day, attending as his best man, because we promised each other way back then that we'd be each other's best man on our weddings, why did I even agree on that? haha, little did he know that it was him, the one that I always wanted to marry

"Who? your soon to be wife? but she can't also tie a necktie tho as far as I remember that's why I had to do your necktie as always for you" I replied and chuckled, he must have forgotten haha

"Oh right," he answered, he remembers now, "then I guess you have to do it for me until we grow old then" he continued as he smiled, a teasing smile? who knows?

"No" I answered, "you need to learn it, I can't do it for you forever" I continued, but that was just a tease or was it?

"No, I'll not do it nor learn. You'll do it for me hehe, whether you like it or not, I know you can't stand seeing a necktie that isn't properly done" he said with a teasing face, a smirk

you really know me, huh?

"Whatever" that was all I can say,

Now his necktie is properly done, I also doubled check if everything else is already okay. I adjusted his hair a little bit and now everything is set

"I'll go now, congratulations again my man" I said as I hugged him and was about leave when he stopped me, he grabbed my hand

"Hey, stay here for a little bit longer, there's still an hour left" he said

"Why? Are you scared being all alone here?" I teased,

"No," he paused, "I just don't wanna be alone here for the next hour" he replied,

Right there's still an hour left

"Okay" I answered, "what shall we do then?" I asked. "Shall we play a one game of RoV? 1v1?" I suggested,

"Let's not do that, for sure we'll be late if we do that" he answered as he chuckled,

"Just stay here with me, that's enough" he continued again,

"Mhmmm okay"

We then sat by the window where they we can see a beautiful view of the mountains, he loves them so much


We both stayed quiet for awhile, it was a comfortable silence. It was the same feeling and it never changed at all for the past 15 years up until now,

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