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< fluff, I guess??? Idk >

Here is a not too short yet not too long either update since it's more like a drunken confession of feelings, sooo hereee weee gooo!!!

3rd Person's POV

Lately Chimon had been avoiding Nanon for some unknown reasons, and Nanon had been worried as to why is Chimon distancing himself from him without him knowing the exact reason for doing it when as far as he knows he didn't do anything that could make Chimon upset or so,

Nanon had tried to approach or try to make a conversation with him but Chimon just finds himself some excuses to get away from him. Well, he does do a little coversation with him but only when they are with their friends,

But even their friends had noticed it and tried to ask Nanon, but only "I don't know either" would come out from Nanon's mouth,


Now that today was their last day of their finals (exams) they decided to go out drinking to celebrate, to which everybody agreed. Well, I guess not everybody because Chimon didn't wanna go, not that he wanted to avoid Nanon (well kinda also but), he just doesn't like drinking and is not into loud and crowded places,


Chimon was already at his condo, laying on his bed feeling all relaxed and relieved because the finals were finally over!

As he was about to shut his eyes to take a nap, his phone rang. 'Frank' it said in the caller ID,

< in call >

F: hey Chi!
C: mhmm...
F: wait, are you taking a nap?
C: I was about to when some annoying person called me
F: hey!
C: what do you want Frank?
F: come on, come with us
C: I already told you guys, I don't want to go
F: please come with us nanana~ look we don't get to do this often as a whole group, I just want us to be complete and hang out and catch things up. Look, you don't have to drink, well maybe just a little but please just come with us nanana~ and we're renting a private room so you don't have to worry about it nanana~
C: *sigh* fine, I'll go. You won't stop bugging me until I yes anyway
F: hehehe yeyyy! then I'll come pick you up
C: eh? then what about Drake? aren't you guys suppose to go together?
F: nah, I know no one will pick you up. I know something is up between you and Nanon which means he won't be picking you up. I didn't wanna open my mouth about it and meddle with the both of you, and besides Drake has his own car, he can drive himself there. He can also ask either Ohm, Sing or Nanon to give him a lift, I already told him that
C: I really can't hide anything from you, can I? but thank you, you're the best Frank
F: I know, now go change. I'll be on my way now, bye
C: okay bye, drive safely

< call ended >


Frank then picked Chimon up from his condo and drove off to the bar,


< in the car >

"What is up with the both of you? What happened?" Frank asked breaking the silence, "I just wanna know" he continued,

"Nothing. Nothing happened" he answered, looking away from Frank (he was facing the window),

"How is it nothing when the both of just don't talk with each other?" Frank said, "I know you're the one who's been avoiding him. Whenever he tries to approach you when you're alone, you always try to get away from him as fast as possible and whenever he tries to talk you, you also avoid him. Only when the we all gather up you talk to him but just a little too" he explained as he continued talking,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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