- Introduction -

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This is where all my NAMON one shots/short stories are

These are made just to please myself and feed my hunger for NAMON (lmao that sounds so wrong I-). I am a very big fan of them and also ship them (a midyear here!) and I thought that I should also share my imaginations with my fellow midyears too!

Please do take note that these are all just my imaginations and is purely ficfional

And also please be aware that this may be lame and such so read at your own risk!

But I hope you will enjoy reading!

And and also....

English isn't my first language so there might be grammatical errors ahead, please bear with me

Will be updating when I have ideas and when I'm free, so that means I'm only writing this for fun and I don't know when will I update next after I publish a part after part

thankyou and enjoy reading!


Feel free to suggest me something!

NAMON One Shots | Nanon × ChimonWhere stories live. Discover now