Iris and The Roof

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As soon as I got home I took off my school uniform and changed into sweats. I ignored my AP chemistry homework and curled up on the couch with Netflix. I was in the mood for a lazy, do nothing night. Chemistry was the only subject I had homework in anyways, for once. I turned on Gossip girl, a show Ginger had gotten me hooked on and watched their lives unfold. After three straight episodes I got some Nutella from the kitchen and finished up the jar. Eventually I dozed off and had a series of peaceful dreams.

I woke up after a long deep sleep. I looked at my phone. It was 7:07 and I had four missed calls from Ginger. I was going to be late for school, and Ginger had already came to pick me up and left. I threw off my blanket and ran up to my room. I didn't have time to go get my uniform from the basement so I threw on the one from yesterday. I ran a brush through my long brown hair and tossed it up into a messy bun. I brushed my teeth as I threw on flats. It looked awful, but I didn't have time to look better.

I wasn't even sure how I was going to get to school to be honest. My mom was gone already, or had never come home at all.

I rushed outside onto the lawn, with no plan in mind. I had no car, because my mom refused to buy me one. I had a bike, but I had no idea if there was any air in the tires. I lived two miles away from school, which meant there was no way I could get there on time if I walked or ran. I could always skip school, I guess. I looked around my neighborhood.

Only one person I knew lived on my block, and that was Bradley. I took a chance and quickly walked up the block to his house. There was a black BMW in the driveway but I ignored it. I rushed up to his house and rang the doorbell. He answered, dressed in his uniform with a bagel in his hand.

"Bradley!" I said.

"Iris!" He echoed.

"I need a ride to school. Can I get one with you?"

"Well Colton's bringing me, but I'm sure he would drive you too."

"Oh, well I'll just find some other way then. I don't want to bother him."

"Iris seriously, it's fine. Let's go." Bradley groaned.

We walked to the car and Bradley conferred with Colton.

"Oh look he said you could come. Now get in." Bradley said.

I climbed into the back and buckled my seatbelt. Bradley threw his backpack into the seat next to me, and we drove off.

While Bradley and Colton chatted, I studied Colton. He had dark brown hair and blue grey eyes. He hadn't changed much since he left to go to Washington DC. He was quieter then he used to be which was the only change I could detect in him. I wondered why he was back here. I had heard rumors that his dad had went to work for a politician in DC, but I had no idea why his family could be back. Maybe his parents had divorced or something.

Colton looked up in his mirror and saw me staring at him. I blushed and looked down at my fingernails. I stared out the window the rest of the way.

"Thank you for driving me to school." I said as I got out of the car.

"No problem." Colton replied.

We walked inside together and split up once I reached my locker. I opened it and took out my government books.

I walked to class and was stopped short by a strange sight. Ginger and Rory were chatting by our government class, which wasn't strange. But their body language was saying something else. They were standing really close to each other and Ginger had her hand on his arm. Had they finally gotten it together and officially become a couple? Or was Ginger just screwing with his head? I stood there for a minute watching them. Then the warning bell rang and Ginger hurried off. Rory walked into class and I followed him.

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