A Shift of Shadows

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"Tav?" Darcy's voice was soft, his hands gentle as he reached to tentatively take Tav's still shaking hand.

Tav didn't respond verbally, though he looked – stared even – trying to put this man into position. A character in a story. He fit, perfectly. The high collar unable to hide the strong jawline. Eyes dark and, dare he say it, flashing, with an aura of dominance. Dark hair curled in a way that made Tav want to put his hands on it. A man who was powerful and aware of it with the easy knowledge of being born to that society.

And, now, a fictional character. What could he do but believe it to be the case? It was either real, or Tav was insane. Maybe this was some fever dream, but if that were the case, what would be the harm in simply going with it, letting the story take him?

He let Darcy help him up, thankful the man didn't ask about his frankly dramatic escape, and guide him into the carriage to sit opposite Georgiana.

She waited until they were underway again, the rattle of the carriage wheels enough to drown out whispered talk so neither Darcy nor the coachman would hear.

"What happened? Fitzwilliam was having quite the panic."

"He was?" Tav couldn't help but ask, because he'd seemed confused, but calm enough.

"Well," she conceded, "I could tell he was panicking. I know him well. He didn't make a scene, of course. Although I understand you came close?"

Tav regarded her earnest expression and made a decision. He needed help, whether that be from a doctor or from a partner to make things happen in the story, and Georgiana – a young woman aching for adventure – was a prime candidate either way.

"Do you know of Jane Austen, the author?"

"No, 'tis not a name I know."

There was a check mark for the crazy idea that was taking up residence in his head: of course Jane Austen would not exist inside her own stories.

He took a breath. "I'm not the Earl of Greencester. I don't know him, or even if he's a real person. Well, a real person here. My name is Octavius Kennerly and this is a story, and I have to change its direction or I'm stuck here forever."

She laughed sharply, but stopped when his sincere gaze didn't change.

To his utter surprise, she listened while he told her the full story. She didn't say a word for the entire ride back to the house, which was how long it took, and as soon as they arrived she pulled him across the drive, towards a thicket of trees providing a cool, shadowed, glade, Darcy following, looking concerned but allowing them privacy.

"You have to tell me more about this world of yours, it sounds fascinating."

Tav stared. "You believe me?"

"You are a master storyteller if 'tis falsehoods. How would it hurt me to choose to believe?"

He knew it could never be as simple as that, not in reality, so this felt like another check in the box for 'truly a weird ghosty challenge from renowned Regency author'. Who else would believe such a crazy story but someone within one (or, dangerously, someone as destined for Bedlam as himself)?

"Will you help me? Help me make it happen so I can return home?"

"Of course. It will be quite an adventure, Lord Gr- sorry, Mr Kennerly. I don't know if I can believe the story fully, but I can see you truly do. I cannot wait to assist you. Though, we will need to cloak the mystery in front of Fitzwilliam. He does not have the heart of a fantasist as I do."

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