Chapter I

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The Fled ,

Amanda Zeiss ,
I woke up with a severe headache to find myself lying in the unknown . I wondered what actually had gone wrong with me to pass out in such a place . I tried getting up only to stumble down the ground once again as my legs gave up . Tears started filling my eyes as I started questioning my existence , now I really wish I wasn’t born . It rolled down my eyes like a cascade as the flashback from last day came gushing in front of me almost mingling my present and past along with it ……
“Miss Amanda Zeiss , you will do as I say you to understood ?”My mother screamed at me tossing the letter to her side as I sat there numb , still processing the whole situation . It hasn’t even been a day since Papa died and my very own mother is already planning my wedding ? Is this some kind of joke to cheer me up ? Questioning the whole situation I looked up only to feel her serious gaze on me . Why ? Why me ? All this time I was not the Perfect Princess of the Golden Arrow Pack , but a combative baddie for what ? For marring into some unknown congregation and leaving my pack into the hands of my good-for-nothing brother ? I turned my equally piercing gaze to her and spoke “No , whatever you say I cannot accept this proposal mother . I have to save my pack from crashing down now , not secure my future with some unknown guy . This is not how Papa raised me -” *Slap* “What do you mean by ‘saving my pack’ huh ?This pack was never yours to begin with you stupid girl . Do not think just because you are a Beta I will let you do whatever you want . I already have given them my words and now all you need to do is be a good girl and accept the proposal ” she came close to me and wiped my tears “I just want you to be happy Amy , it’s the best for you . Me your mother knows it . Please do not cause anymore trouble for the sake of your dead father child . Just accept you fate and work accordingly ” She gave me a kiss on my cheeks and went to her room . I was left in the middle of the hall , too numb and shocked to even understand the situation . Does she really mean it ? I have no rights on this pack ? Should I really see my pack crashing down like this in front of my eyes and stay still ? Do I really have no other choice ? I kept standing in the middle of the hall when two warm hands engulfed me into their heat . Numb as I was , before even realizing who it was I started crying into their chest only to feel them tightening their grip on me and pulling me even more close .  I felt safe into their grip that I snuggled even more closer to them and stayed there for a good 5 minute . I slowly looked up to see my big sister Maria Zeiss looking down on me with equal hurt reflecting in her eyes . I moved away from her tight embrace and sat down on the couch shortly followed by her . “I know how you feel Amy . Guess history repeats itself yet again ..” she lets out a pathetic sigh and continues ,“You yourself know that nothing can be done against our mother’s will . Just like me you’ll be okay as well after a couple years . Just don’t do anything stupid again like you did during my time ” she gave me an assuring smile but how ? How can I just accept this bullshit ? I’m not even in my 20s and moreover I do not even know who the hell is going to be my future 'spouse’ . I can’t believe that I’m being wedded off from my pack and yet I can do nothing about it . That’s it ! I cannot let this happen to me . So I did that mistake again , I ran away from our castle into the darkness . Knowing I will get caught , knowing I will be wedded no matter what , knowing I will never be able to lead my pack , I still ran and ran and ran until I finally passed out in the middle of my runaway with the determination
'With the sunrise , my fate will be rewritten by me . Yet again .’

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