Chapter 3

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Errors POV its early in the morning and I'm sitting in nightmares truck with ink beside me and the three little skeletons we are going the same way so he offered to take us along I only met nightmare yesterday but I all ready love his company he's fun to talk to and he's so caring towards the kids he has with him I noticed I was staring at him and looked the other way a little yellow blush on my cheeks ink was giving me a Lenny face which made me blush even harder then I punched him in the arm i could tell that hurt him but he wouldn't show it we are headed to The second City they said that it's safe their it's going to take a while though since we have to stop a lot for supplies and horror made us stop because he saw a chicken on the side of the road so now we have a large light brown chicken in the truck that kid seems to really like chickens I still don't get how he's alive I mean we are keeping an eye on him since there's a very high chance of him getting the virus we still don't know how he doesn't have it yet but he keeps twitching but that's probably because he has a giant hole in his skull also one of his eye lights stopped working and the other one turned blood red he's definitely weird he also has an obsession over axes so we gave him the one nightmare found and he loves it he's so cute but so creepy at the same time then theirs blue, blue is vary quiet he doesn't like loud noises and is terrified of being alone he also hates violence and he's fast like super fast Who knew something with such tiny legs could run so fast he loves tacos and puzzles and lastly theirs Dream, Dream is vary kind and loves helping people and he's not the best yet but he's learning how to shoot a bow and Arrow Dream also loves apples not sure why though
Time skip
We ran out of gas their was a house near by so we walked over to see if their was anyone their or if their was any gas but after I while of looking in the house all we found was junk and two dead bodies) nightmare POV I was out side sitting on the porch of this house when I heard something behind the house I got my gun and went to go see what it was what I saw shocked me there was a fence and on the other side of that fence was three horses two black ones and one light brown I called over the others and they had the same expression I guess we're going to ride some horses to the city we put the saddles on and the reigns and hopped on error had blue I had Dream and ink had our supplies ink was riding the light brown horse while error and I were riding the black ones we started riding to the city but it was going to take a few days on horseback me and error named the black horses mine was named raven and errors was named Luna it was starting to get dark so we set up camp for the night we tied the horses to a separate tree so they didn't go anywhere and set up a tent we had, the tent was big enough for all of us but was a little cramped we all got inside the tent and got comfortable then fell asleep
Time skip
Nightmare POV I woke up hearing horror sounding excited I looked over and saw him staring at his chicken (nightmare) hey horror watcha doing (horror) she laid and egg! (Nightmare) oh I guess it can be useful (Dream) what are you doing also good morning (nightmare) horrors chicken laid an egg also good morning to you as well (error) can you guys shut up it's too early for this shit (nightmare) well you should get up anyway we have to go (error) fuck of I'm still tired (ink) error he's right we got to get ready to go (error) whatever) we got out of the tent a few minutes later and started packing our stuff we untied the horses and got on them we started going towards the city after a few hours we finally got their but it didn't look vary safe and just as we turned a corner we say hundreds of walkers the horses freaked out and so did we, we rid the horses as fast as we could out of their once we were out of sight to the walkers we stopped now we didn't know what to do we could just climb onto the rooftops and go by their but we didn't want to leave our horses for dead and that would be hard to go by rooftop because I would have to do most of the work so we just decided to leave the city and go somewhere else we looked at the map and went to a different road that went closer to the forests after a few hours of riding the paved road turned in to a dirt road and we saw what looked like a camp we got of our horses and I told ink to stay back with the kids error and I got out our guns just in case then we took a closer look and saw some monsters and humans they all looked at us and looked a little scared then one of the humans started talking (???) h-hello um what do you want) a human girl said (nightmare) sorry we didn't mean to scare you we didn't know anyone was here (???) it's okay so what are you doing (nightmare) well we were going to the city close by because it was said to have been safe but it was the complete opposite(???) oh yeah our friend had the same problem he used the radio to try and tell people it was dangerous but I guess it didn't work or you don't have a Radio (nightmare) we don't have a radio (error) is it okay if we pas by here (???) yes that is perfectly fine (error) okay we will be right back) the group of survivors looked at us confused but we didn't care we got back to ink and mounted our horses I told ink it was safe and we rid our horses over (???) you have horses that's so cool and their so pretty (???) yeah that is coo- oh my god is that kid okay (nightmare) oh him yeah he's fine (???) but his skull is broken shouldn't he be dead (nightmare) yes normally that would kill a skeleton but he hasn't died or turned into a walker yet but we are keeping an eye on him (???) that is so weird (error) can we go now (???) oh yeah I forgot sorry (nightmare) it's okay but he's right we should get going (???) okay bye) and with that we were able to get past the road was still made of dirt but after a few minutes or riding it was paved again not that long after we started seeing houses and then we were in an abandoned town it was getting late so we found a house the was big enough for us and a safe place to put the horses we checked the room for supplies and found some food and more knives then a sat down on the old couch in the living room we were in and the kids sat next to me error and ink sat on the one across the room) error POV I sat down on a dusty old couch and ink sat next to me I didn't realize it but I was staring at nightmare then ink said my name and that caught my attention he told me I was staring at nightmare and I blushed yellow ink looked amused I can't believe I fell in love with nightmare so quickly it's annoying but I couldn't help it he was just so nice and loving and he still liked me even after I shot him in the shoulder it was getting late and I was getting tired so I fell asleep on the couch I was on) ink POV I saw error fall asleep and nightmare fell asleep a few minutes ago and now I could set my plan into motion I picked error up and put I'm beside nightmare I had to move the kids over though and they almost woke up but i was lucky and they didn't it was going to be hilarious when they wake up tomorrow
................................................................................. I hope you liked this chapter and I will update again soon and sorry if my errormare sucks I'm not vary good with lovey stuff also I named errors horse Luna after my chicken because a weasel killed her today I shall avenge her

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